Part 8

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"Leon! Jessie!"

Jessie had dozed off again. She jumped not at Nita's voice but the rage in it. When did Nita get here? She was standing in the doorway with Bruce behind her. Jessie knew she was in trouble. Nita looked absolutely furious. Jessie had never seen her this mad.

"You!" Nita yelled accusingly at Jessie. "I can't believe you!"

"Wh– what are you talking about?" Jessie nervously stammered.

"Are you really trying to play dumb? You know what you did. Come on, Leon. We're going home."

Leon grabbed Jessie's arm. "No," he replied. "I'm staying here with Jessie."

Nita somehow looked even angrier. "How did I end up with such a stupid brother? Jessie's been feeding you love potions for months! This is ending now."

A crowd had gathered in the living room.

"Did I hear that right?" Bea whispered to Bibi. "Love potions?"

Bibi said nothing. After what she had witnessed at Bull's, she wanted no involvement whatsoever.

"You're coming with me," Nita said. "And you!" She turned toward Jessie, looking surprisingly menacing for a child. "Don't you ever come near my brother again!"

"I don't know what she's talking about," Jessie lied. "Don't go, Leon."
"I'm staying here," Leon replied.

Nita continued to yell at Jessie. A crowd continued to form and watch the spectacle.

By the time Nita was finally finished with Jessie, almost everyone at the party had gathered in the living room.

"Bruce," Nita commanded, "Grab Leon and follow me. We're getting out of here."

The bear obeyed Nita. Leon put up a fight to no avail. The two siblings left, and everyone stared in silence. After several long minutes, the crowd dispersed. Jessie was dazed. What had just happened? How did Nita find out?

Jessie walked up to Bibi. "You told her, didn't you?" she accused.

Bibi avoided Jessie's gaze and focused her attention on the plastic cup she was holding. "No," she said quietly. "I didn't tell anyone."
"Then who told her?" Jessie asked. "It had to be you– you're the only one who knew."

Bibi shrugged. "Sorry, but it wasn't me."

For whatever reason, Jessie was inclined to believe her. It was definitely unlike Bibi to tattle. Who was it then?

The party lasted well into the night. It was well past midnight by the time everyone left the mansion. A few guests stayed to help clean up, including Bibi and Colette. Emz suspected that Colette only stayed behind to hunt for "souvenirs" left behind by the guests.

Mortis walked into the living room, nursing a glass filled with red liquid. He had spent a majority of the night in the kitchen, unaware of the scene Nita had caused.

"You totally missed out earlier, Uncle Mortis," Emz said. "This was the craziest party ever."

"Oh, is that so?" Mortis asked apathetically, taking a sip from his drink. He had no interest whatsoever in his niece's shenanigans.

Emz was tapping on her phone. "Don't worry; I took a video. You'll see it later."

"You took a video of that?" Bibi exclaimed.

Emz nodded and continued typing. "I'm sending it to Starr Life. When they find out it happened at my party, my blog is totally gonna blow up."

Bibi sighed. She wanted to stop Emz, but it would get out somehow anyway. What a crazy night. She remembered how Jessie had accused her of telling Nita just earlier. Jessie was wrong, though– it wasn't her. Who told Nita, then?

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