Part 9

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The entire walk home, Leon kicked and screamed, begging Nita to let him go back. Nita could barely stand it. She chided herself for allowing all of it to happen under her nose. She never would have expected Jessie to pull something like this. She knew that Jessie was being controlling, but this was on a whole new level. No wonder Leon would refuse to leave her side. When they finally got home, Nita grabbed the antidote she had gotten from Byron and forced Leon to drink it. She had rushed to the party and forgotten to bring it– how she regretted it now. She waited and let the antidote take effect, and Leon's obsession melted like ice.

"Well?" she growled. She was standing over Leon, her hands on her hips.

Leon rubbed his eyes. "I... I feel dizzy. What just happened?"

"Jessie happened. You're such an idiot– you're so lucky to have me."

"Jessie? What did she do to me?" He suddenly looked mortified. "Oh my god– what have I been doing for the past few months? Oh my god..."

"I guess the antidote worked."
"She... she was really giving me love potions? That... explains a lot." He looked like he was about to pass out.

"Go to bed right now," Nita ordered. "We'll talk about it more in the morning."

Leon was too tired to complain. Instead, he nodded weakly. "Okay. I'll... do that."

Suddenly, a burning question popped into his mind. He needed it answered before he could sleep. "Hold on– how did you find out? And where'd you get the antidote?"

"Oh, right. About that..."

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