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"Please be my lover," I said.

I couldn't believe that this day will ever come.


Relationship, is somewhat fascinating.

"We already asked for your permission to use this court temporary. And now suddenly you said we can't? What kind of hypocrisy is this?" Hongjoong, one of the volleyball player asked. "We have a match in a few days. Just let us practice here for the time being,"

"We told you that you can use it as long as we don't have to. But now, we have to use it. It's our court to begin with," Seonghwa said. "Captain! Talk to them,"

I let out a sigh. Yes, I know that they asked our permissions to use this court because the volleyball court is being renovated. But suddenly, our advisor told us that we'll have a friendly match today with one of the top 4 team in the town. They'll arrive here in 30 minutes and our advisor just told us today.

"Captain! Tell them that we're not leaving!" Hongjoong said.

Choi Hyunsuk, the volleyball team's captain, steps out. He has been quite at the back, watching his teammates bickering with my teammates.

"Look. We need to use this court. Our advisor just told us today that the team from Holy High School is coming here for the friendly match. I'm so sorry for not telling you earlier. But we also just knew about it today," I said.

"You can just told us like that from the start instead of suddenly chasing us out, you know? We're not that stupid not to understand the situation if you properly explain to us," Hyunsuk said. "Teach your teammates how to communicate with people better,"


"Pack up your things. We're going to the court at the park," Hyunsuk said, stopping me to finish my sentence. His teammates just obediently follows their captain's order. Just in a few minutes, they left.

"Wah. He didn't even let you finish your words. Who do he think he is," Seungmin said as soon as the volleyball team left the court.

"I don't like them at all. Especially their captain," Seonghwa added.

"It's not their fault tho. We are at fault to for not telling them beforehand," I said.

Basketball team and volleyball team of this school are not really in a good term ever since before we entered this school. Even we're from the same school the two team almost rivalling for who achieve more than the other in their respective sport. Naturally, the teammates in the two teams being rivals as well.


"Grandma asked me to give this to you," Hyunsuk put a plastic bag containing a box of traditional sweets on my table before he walks toward his seat. Our classmates looked at me and Hyunsuk weirdly. Because the whole school know how basketball team and volleyball team is not in a good relationship but me and Hyunsuk always mentioned about what our family asked or give to each other.

"Again? People will really think that you're cousin or something," Junkyu who's sitting right behind me stated. He took out his phone and started to scroll it. "And the fact that you guys are the captain of basketball and volleyball team. It just make people looking at you guys weirdly,"

Junkyu is right. Being the captain of a well known rivalry teams in this school make people just expect that we don't get along well. In reality, we're not that close too. If people didn't know us, would probably think that we're related or something because of the amount we mentioned about our family whenever we have a short conversation to each other. My mom and Hyunsuk mom are childhood best friends. They're still close even until now. His grandparents adore my mom a lot and even treat me as of I'm their own grandson.

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