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I feel like someone pulling me to the side while I still couldn't see anything since my eye we covered as well. I was pushed toward the wall before I can see again. Choi Hyunsuk. He is the one who covered my eyes and pulled me away from there, where I couldn't even move.

"If you don't like what you see, just walk away. Not standing there like a stone," Hyunsuk said. He looked at the pouch in my hand. He took it from my hand. "I'll give this back to her. Go wash your face or something. You looked too obvious like that,"

Hyunsuk then walked away. I just saw them kissing. Just seeing them being lovey dovey with each other enough to make my chest felt tight and aches, and now, just now, I have to witness  them kissing. I really shouldn't decided to go and give back the pouch to Chaewon. Why am I even acting like this? Why I have to feel like this?

I walked away, not toward the toilet, but toward the emergency stairs at the end of the hallway. I entered there and close the door. As soon as I sat down, I tears starts to fall. How crybaby I am. I hated this so much.  I don't like what I am feeling right now. It doesn't even feels right.

Suddenly someone opened the door. I moved toward the wall while trying to hide my face. That someone sat next to me. Smelled like Hyunsuk. He just sat there saying nothing while I keep on crying.

I cried not just because of Chaewon and Hyunjin. It's because I'm angry at myself for feeling upset just seeing Chaewon and Hyunjin kissing. They have been there for me for a long time already. I hated it that I'm wishing that their relationship doesn't work out and they'll just break up. I feel like scum having that kind of thoughts. They are both my best friends. And just because I have a special feeling toward one of them, doesn't mean I should wishing bad things to happen to their relationship, right? I hate that I'm having these thoughts.

"Feeling better?" He asked after I stopped sobbing for a while. I just nodded. Hyunsuk hand me a hoodie. "It's Haruto's. I think it's big enough for you cover up,"

"Don't you think I am a bad guy?" I asked.

"For what?" Hyunsuk asked me back.

"For hoping them to not be happy. While them always wishing the best for me," I said.

"The feeling of liking, or loving someone. Not something that's easily to stop or to hide. It's not even easy to start if. Some people can't just easily fall for someone. Some can't just easily forgot about they're feeling toward someone. It's a normal thing that we shouldn't force. We couldn't even force it to be the way we wanted it to be," Hyunsuk said. "It's understandable that you're feeling like that. But you still care a lot about them. You still want to protect the friendship you had with them even by having this fake relationship with me. You're not that bad, Jihoon-ah. You're just being too kind to yourself at the point that you're hurting yourself,"

"Should I just confessed to Chaewon before? That I actually like her?" I asked.

"Depends. If you really think you should, then you should. I'm not in your shoes, I am not you, Jihoon. I can't really figure out what and how you're thinking," Hyunsuk said. "But just remember that if you need someone to talk to, to lean on. You can always look for me. I might can't even do much about it anyway. I'm not even that experience in this field. But if you feel like having someone to talk to can ease your heart, so you can always find me,"

"Unlike the way you look, you're really a kind guy, huh?" I asked.

"Of course I am," Hyunsuk said.

"Thanks, Hyunsuk-ah," I said. "I owe you a lot these past few weeks. You have been helping me a lot even I'm not that close to you,"

"Isn't that what friends do?" Hyunsuk asked.

"We're not even friends yet before," I said.

"For the sake of our families relationship, then?" Hyunsuk said. I chuckled. I patted his head and gently caressing his hair. Hyunsuk looked at me and slowly wiped the tears on my cheeks with the end of the sleeve of the school's sweater that he's wearing. "It's probably will be hard now and even a few days, weeks or even months after this. You can always lean on me whenever you want to. You probably can start to look for a new love. Maybe you can get over it if you found someone new to fall for,"

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