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"Isn't that the basketball team's kid?" I can hear some kids talking behind me. It's the day of the Volleyball match. I turned at the source of the voice. Seems like they're not talking about me because they're looking at their left side. I tilt my head to look at the other basketball member that possibly present here. And... I saw it. It's Seonghwa. Seems like he also saw me and started to walked toward me.

"What are you doing here, captain?" Seonghwa asked.

"I would like to ask the same to you," I said while folding my arms across my body.

"I just... Somehow got lose and being here," Seonghwa said. Got lost? Such a lame excuse. "What about you captain?"

"Supporting my boyfriend," I answered. 

"Hyunsuk? You guys are close now?" Seonghwa asked. I'm quite surprised that Seonghwa didn't even look a little bit surprised when I said that. 

"I said my boyfriend," I said. Repeating it, in case he didn't heard me well before.

"Yeah. Yeah. Both are you are boys and now friends, I guess," Seonghwa said. Eh? "You guys have my blessing?"

"I thought you hate the fact that I'm going to date the volleyball team's captain," I said. Remembering how Seonghwa and Hongjoong once fought because of this matter.

"Wait! You guys seriously date?" Seonghwa now looked shocked. What? Did he thought that I was joking before or what? Well actually, I didn't really plan to tell him anyway. I just wanted to see his reaction. And his initial reaction was surely no fun.

"What if we did?" I asked.

"W-well. If you guys really did like each other.. You really like him? What Hongjoong heard back then was the truth? It is really a little too shocking for me. And you didn't even shown even a bit of interest toward him. But really?" Seonghwa asked. Wow. That's quite a reaction. "No. Don't get me wrong. I'm totally cool with it. If that's your choice and that will make you happy. I'll definitely okay with it,"

"Yah. You're talking as if you like me or something," I chuckled.

"Huh? You? In your dream, captain," Seonghwa scoffed. I turned back at the match in front of me after Seonghwa look like he don't have any more things to say. "So. You really like Hyunsuk?"

"Yeah," I said. My eyes are glued at Hyunsuk who's at the back of his team mates, jumping here and there to hit the ball. "I probably like him more and longer than I thought,"


"You know what I heard today?" I turned at Hyunsuk who's lying down on his bed, while I'm sitting on the floor, leaning on he side of his bed, in his bedroom. It's close to the college entrance mock examination period, so the third year students were suggested to not be too active in any club activities and spend more time to study.

Yes. We're supposed to study but now here we are. Just wasting time, hanging out. Doing nothing. Well. Not really doing nothing. I was watching the newest episode of Bleach while Hyunsuk was reading some marvel magazine or something.

"What is it?" I asked. Hyunsuk put down the magazine he was reading.

"Hongjoong asked me if I'm currently dating someone from basketball team," Hyunsuk said. Ah.. Probably it's Seonghwa who mentioned that to Hongjoong.

"What did you said?" I asked.

"I said yes," Hyunsuk said. I'm quite surprised that he actually answered that. Maybe Hyunsuk see the change of my expression, he said, "Well. We're technically dating anyway. Even though it's just a pretend one. I'll just tell them that I'm joking about it if you uncomfortable about it,"

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