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"Hyunjin confessed that he like me yesterday," Chaewon said making me stop swiping the floor. It's our turn to clean up the art room after the class. No wonder they looked quite awkward earlier today. I continue to swipe the floor.

"Then?" I asked without even looking at Chaewon. I can hear her sighing at where she's standing at. I just don't want to look at her. No. I don't want her to caught the hint of sadness on my face. I'm trying to hide that I'm not okay with the fact that Hyunjin, my best friend already confessed to my crush who is also my other best friend, Chaewon. I feel like if I look at her, I'll be even more sad than I already am.

"I said that I'll think about it first," Chaewon said. "Because I want to ask you about it,"

"Why do you need to ask me? I'm not even your brother. You should ask Junkyu about it. Not me," I told her.

"Because you're my best friend," Chaewon said. Yeah. We are best friends and will only be that. Nothing more.

"Hyunjin told me about it before. That he like you and he's going to confess to you," I said. "He probably really like you for a very long time already. But because Yujin said about two best friend like the same person, Hyunjin starting to doubt it if he should confess or not. But I convince him to do so. And he did. He's a good guy, Chaewon-ah. You know yourself,"

"Yeah. I know," Chaewon said. "But... Dating a friend is a bit... I don't know. Should I?"

"Yah. You don't know if you didn't try," I said. Look. She's not sure about dating a friend. Probably I should just proposed her and get marry right away. But nah. I don't have that much courage to do so. And it's an extreme decision too for a high school student.

"You're right," Chaewon nodded. "You know, Jihoon-ah. I thought that you like me before. And when you said that your crush is a person you know for a long time, I have a little expectation that it will be me,"

"Why? Do you like me?" I asked while staring at her. Directly into her eyes. "Will you date me if I ask you to?"

"I- I'll probably will think about it too. Just like how I did now. Toward Hyunjin. It's not an easy decision to change the status of your relationship from friend to lover," Chaewon said.

"Didn't all lover starting with friends?" I asked.

"No. Not everyone. There are some just strangers become lovers. There also enemy to lover. It's doesn't necessarily a love relationship to start as friend first," Chaewon said. "While we at this topic. What about you and Hyunsuk?"

"What about us?" I asked her back.

"You said that you like him. So? You're not going to confess?" Chaewon asked.

"I'm not that confident and I'm dont have enough courage to do so," I told her. How can I confess to someone I don't even like? "And, it's just merely crush. It doesn't really mean I have to date him,"

"Aye~~ What if he suddenly dating someone? Won't you be sad about it?" Chaewon asked. Well, no? Because I don't even like him. And he's free to date anyone he want to. But I will be quite upset if Chaewon and Hyunjin ended up dating each other. But who am I to stop them? If they decided to date, then they will. I'm no one to decide for them anyway.

"No. He can date anyone he want to," I said. "Love doesn't always necessary we have to own. I can just admire him like how I always did,"

"Your life is no fun," Chaewon said.

"I just want to avoid problems," I smiled.


I glanced at Hyunsuk who is sitting right next to me, folding his arms across his chest, staring straight at Hongjoong and Seonghwa who are sitting right in front of us.

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