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Now me and Hyunsuk sitting right across Chaewon and Hyunjin. After acting all surprised that we 'accidentally' met them at the amusement park, now for the reveal of these two relationship. I asked Hyunsuk with my eyes if my acting is convincing enough. He just slightly nodded.

"So... The thing is. We decided to date each other," Hyunjin said.

"Yeah. We did," Chaewon said, supporting Hyunjin's statement just now.

"And how long have you did?" I asked while folding my arms across my body. Acting as if I'm not satisfied that they actually hiding their relationship from me.

"Like 2 weeks before you told us that you're dating Hyunsuk," Hyunjin said while his eyes glanced at Hyunsuk for a second. "It took me a while to get her answer to my confession because she's worried that if we decided to go out right away, you'll be sad because you couldn't even date your crush yet. That's why,"

"And what if I didn't date Hyunsuk at all? Are you guys going to keep your relationship secret from me forever?" I asked. I can feel that my voice is starting to crack. Not because I'm upset that they hide their relationship from me. But the fact that my best friend is dating my other best friend who's actually my long time crush. And I couldn't do anything about it because I don't want to lose them.

"We're sorry. We also want you to be happy and not just us," Chaewon said clearly looked down. Ah.. I don't like see her having that expression on.

"And will you guys break up if I said that I'm not happy with the fact that you guys are dating?" I blurted out that question. The glanced at each other. I can feel that Hyunsuk nudged my arm with his elbow.


"I'm kidding. Did I scared you?" I changed the tone of my voice. Brighter. I need to be brighter. Why the hell I want my friends to not be happy? Especially my best friends. My BFFs.

"You really make me stop breathing just now, Park Jihoon!" Hyunjin scold me.

"Sorry. Sorry. I just playing around. Well. You should just tell me about you guys even before I decided to date Hyunsuk. Like what if this guys rejected my confession. Or I didn't even confessed at all. It's not like you guys are going to stop being happy just because of me, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. We probably won't buy we would probably won't stop feeling guilty that we're happy while you're not," Hyunjin said. Chaewon nodded.

"Being happy not just because of getting to date someone I want. I can be happy because my two best friends finally dating each other after being single for a long time," I said.

"As if you're not," Chaewon said. I let out a forced laugh. Trying to make it look as natural as possible.

"Please just be happy, okay? You should think about yourself first not me," I said.

"But you're our best friend," Chaewon said.

"But still," I said. Almost choked on my own saliva trying to hold in my emotions. I hate it. I hate this feeling.

"Didn't you said that you have a meeting with your teammates later? And there's still a lot of rides you haven't even tried. We might can't try it all if we didn't go now," Hyunsuk suddenly said. When did I said that I have a meeting- Oh.. He's trying to help me.

"You're right," I said. "We'll get going first. Let's talk about it later, okay,"

"You okay?" Hyunsuk asked as soon as we're far enough from Chaewon and Hyunjin.

"I'm trying to be," I said.

"You really care about them a lot, huh? That you're willing to sacrifice your own happiness. Thay you even faked your crush, fake a relationship. Just to make them believe that you're okay," Hyunsuk said. "I'm jealous,"

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