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"Seriously? Wow..." Chaewon said as I told them that I'm dating Hyunsuk. Hyunjin still looked shocked with what I just told. Ah.. Dating the same gender is not that normal around us. Like even myself. I've heard that someone dating someone with same gender but I never met anyone in real life. And now, there's me. Fake dating someone with same gender, Hyunsuk just because I don't want my best friends to comfortably date each other after I lied to them that I have a crush on Hyunsuk. Yeah. Junkyu is right. My life is quite dramatic when I look back at it.

"Like... He didn't reject you? You guys like enemies, you know?" Hyunjin said.

"It's not like we're really hate each other tho. Just because of our teams are rivals, we have to hate each other," I said. I never actually thought about that. I didn't hate any of the members from volleyball teams but some of them keep on fighting with some of my teammates. I don't think the teams is the problem. It's just the people in it. "And we just did. He somehow just accept my confession and we're boyfriends now. I just want to let you guys know,"

They glanced at each other, like talking through their eyes. It's weird to have a same gender relationship. And I know that. I'll just try to make it seems like it doesn't work out and we decided to break up. If my friends looked like they dislike me having this so called same gender relationship, I'll try to find out a way. I'm risking my relationship with my best friends too right now. I didn't even know if they can actually accept it if I actually like guys. I'll just pray for it to turn out well, or I will just lose my best friends and the society.

"Did he like you?" Chaewon asked.

"I'm not sure. He said that we're going to try it," I said. Because Hyunsuk did said 'let's try it' before. "He probably never actually thought about it. He only dated girls before. And he didn't really hate me I guess? He's willing to try this relationship with me. And if we feel like we could do it, then we'll end it,"

"But you guys are boyfriends now right? Like a legit one?" Chaewon asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Congratulation for your first relationship, Park Jihoon!" Chaewon cheered.


"What? Are you thinking that we're going to hate you or something?" Hyunjin chuckled. And why are they look a little brighter now? They looked all tensed before. "We're not, Jihoon-ah. If that's your choice, we'll support it as long as it won't harm you or anything. And if that'll make you happy, we will as well,"

"I.. Didn't really expect this," I said. Did they really mean what they just said? I have no idea it will turn out like this. "Um.. Thanks,"

"If he hurt you just tell us right away. We know how to deal with him," Chaewon said.

"I will," I said. "I just... We're going to keep this relationship as secret so not many people will know thay we have a relationship. Because you guys know how the society prejudice toward this kind of relationship, right?"

"Isn't that make him easily cheat on you with other girl? Like your relationship is not public, meaning in public you and him are both single. He can just date any girl he wanted, right?" Chaewon suddenly asked. I didn't even thought of that. And I didn't think that I need to be worried about that? Because if he actually cheated, there's more reason for me to end the relationship. Isn't it? "But I trust him. He won't do things like that,"

Yeah right. I don't even know him that well to say that. But whatever to make my friends convinced. And probably for the best too.


"Park Jihoon," I turned as I heard someone calling my name. It's Hyunsuk, my fake boyfriend. "I have something to talk to you,"

"Oh," I stood up as I saw him turning back, as if asking me to follow him. I just walked behind him. Not knowing where he's going to take me or what he's going to talk about. Both of us stopped as we arrived at the back of the school building. Quite far place he took me too. Far from people at this school. "What is it?"

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