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"It's funny. Seriously," Yujin said while Chaewon is still clearing her throat after she choked on the tteokbeokki. Chaewon still struggling to gulps the water that she just took from my hand.

"What's so funny about me chocked?" Chaewon asked.

"No. It's just felt like two best friend liking the same person. It's just funny to think about," Yujin said. "And if that actually happened, they might will act like how the three of you did right now,"

I looked at Chaewon and Hyunjin. Hyunjin giving holding a cup of water and some tissues, just like what I just did. But Chaewon only take the water and tissues from me while I'm gently patting her back. I looked back at Hyunjin. Ah... He like Chaewon too. I've been to focused on Chaewon that I haven't noticed that Hyunjin has a feeling for Chaewon as well.

And while Chaewon seems like she actually shared the same feeling as I am, she didn't say anything. Or should I start it first? But if I did, it's not only my relationship with Chaewon that will change. But my relationship with Hyunjin will also change. Probably to the worse.

"You said that you have a crush on someone that you knew for a long time. And Chaewon fits that criteria. Do you like Chaewon, Jihoon-ah?" Hyunjin asked.

What is Hyunjin trying to do? For some people, this might be the chance to confess and starting a relationship. But this is not it. Even though Hyunjin asking that question, his eyes told me not to confess. That he'll be sad if I actually said that my crush is actually Kim Chaewon, a girl he has a crush on as well. For me, this moment is not a chance to start a relationship. But might be a moment to break any existed relationship.

Me and Chaewon have knew each other for a very long time. There's a possibility that Chaewon didn't really actually has the same feeling as I am. Or if she actually does, she probably will not accept me if I confessed here. Or if we actually started to date, there's a possibility that we will break up and never talk to each other again. And I don't want that. I still want our relationship to last longer than just that.

"No. What are you talking about. Chaewon is my dear friend since childhood," I tried to laugh it off. "Eat up. It's getting cold,"

"Yah! Remember the task Mr Lim asked yesterday? I forgot about it. Did we really need to submit it tomorrow?" Chaewon changed the topic and we naturally stopped talking about that. But Hyunjin still looking at me with an expression I couldn't really understand stand.

Relationship, is complicated.

"You really should use the chance I gave to you before," Hyunjin sat next to me after he done buying something from the convenient store, while Yujin and Chaewon is still in there. Hyunjin opened the can and the soda he just bought. "You see her more than just friend don't you?"

"You're doing that on purpose huh?" I guessed. Seems like he really did like her but why he pushed me for this chance?

"Yeah. I feel like I don't have the chance even if I tried," Hyunjin said. "I like her too. I like Chaewon. I even planned to confessed to her next week. But then when Yujin said that, I feel like you have a higher chance. Since you guys know each other longer than me,"

A chance, huh? While me here, still waiting for a confirmation and courage. A confirmation that she'll definitely will except me. A courage to change the status of our relationship. I still need time to do so. And because I still want to spend my youth with her, right by my side, even only as friend for a longer time.

"I think you misunderstood it. It's just Yujin saying that because she's imagining a situation where two best friends liking a same person. And it's just the two of us are best friends and there's Chaewon in between us. She just making a scenario. Don't mind her," I said. But Hyunjin still doesn't look like he's convinced by my words. Think, Park Jihoon. Think how to convince him.

Suddenly I saw someone familiar walking at the other side of the road. Ah! Thay will do.

"Actually. I like Hyunsuk," I said.

"What?!" Hyunjin looked really surprised by my statement. Not only that. It's not only Hyunjin who's surprised by that. Chaewon too. She just out from the convenient store and is on her way toward us, without Yujin. Hyunjin and I turned at Chaewon who looked as shocked as Hyunjin after hearing my statement.

"Ah... Did I surprised you guys too much?" I scratched the back of my head even though it's not even itchy. "Sorry if I freaked you guys up. I'm sorry,"

"No. No. It's just unexpected from you. I'm just okay with that," Hyunjin said. He turned to Chaewon.

"Oh. Me too. It's just quite shocking for me," Chaewon said. "Um.. Yujin said that she need to go home right away. So she already left,"

"I see," I just nodded. My two best friends looked like they have a lot in their mind after hearing my words. Did I take a wrong decision for saying that? Yes. It's a lie. I just don't want Hyunjin keep thinking that I have a feeling for Chaewon even though I actually did. A lie to protect a relationship I guess. But I haven't consider if they have any prejudice about it. What if they suddenly stop being friend with me because of this lie? I'm suddenly worried. Why the hell I think telling a lie to Hyunjin thay my crush is Hyunsuk is a good idea? I can't figure out myself.

"A person you know for a long time? It really is Hyunsuk. And he was there in the classroom too," Chaewon said. "Sorry that I didn't even thought about that,"

"But they're in the teams that are like cat and dog. That's probably why Jihoon couldn't even said that," Hyunjin said.

"Ah! You're right. Basketball team and Volleyball team are like enemy, right?" Chaewon said. "How long have you liked him?"

"I- I not really sure to be honest. I don't even sure on how much I like him," I said. Is it make sense? I didn't even like him that way. Eh? Did I even like him? I haven't even thought about that because we're not even that close.

"So.. are you going to date him?" Hyunjin asked.

"I don't know. I don't think I have a courage to confessed. What if he disgusted by it? Like, we're not that close. I don't know what he's thinking," I said.

"It's okay, Jihoon-ah. But if you're really planning to date him, to confess to him, remember that I always support you," Chaewon said. You're rooting for me when the actual person I have crush on is you, Kim Chaewon? Life can be harsh sometimes. I turned at Hyunjin. He looked I little bit relaxed after I told him that.

But still. Did I make the right decision?


It's almost 8pm...

And why am I standing in front of Hyunsuk's house? Our houses are in the same neighborhood. I will always walk passing his house whenever I get off the bus from the nearest station before reaching my house. And why the hell am I standing here for more than 5 minutes already?

Should I asked him to help me? But how? And how can he actually help me? I can't really sort my own thoughts right now.

Suddenly, the small gate opened. Hyunsuk was there, with a black plastic bag in his hand. Trash, probably.

"Mom and dad are not home. They went to a dinner party that dad's business partner held," Hyunsuk said without I even asked. Because, sure. I always here because I have something to talk or to give to his parents from my parents anyway.

"My parents too. They went to the same dinner party," I said.


"Actually, I have a favor to asked you, that's why I am here," I said. No. Just forget about it. "But on second thought, I probably don't really need it,"

"Okay then," Hyunsuk said. After he throw out the trash, he walked back inside. "Get home safely,"

He shuts the small gate. And that's it. Our conversations are never more than 5 minutes. How can I even asked him for help? And by the way he treated me, he probably didn't really like me. Well. I don't really like him either. I used to see him as a cool guy who I want to be friend with back then when I was still a little boy. But as time passes, he just seems like an arrogant guy who won't let just anyone enters his circle. And that anyone, is including me.

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