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I opened my eyes just to find out that my head is on Hyunsuk's laps. Hyunsuk is still reading something on his tablet while his other hand playing with my hair. Hyunsuk hummed to an unknown yet very familiar melody, it's soothing hearing that. I moved my head to look at Hyunsuk's face while I'm still lying down on his laps. Hyunsuk felt that I've moved turned to look at me.

"You're up," Hyunsuk said. He put away the tablet and stares at me. "Are you tired? You've fall asleep while sitting. You haven't even took a shower yet. Want me to prepare anything for dinner? Or want me to order you something to eat? Go take a shower first and change,"

"What are we, Hyunsuk-ah?" I asked. Hyunsuk look at the upper wall in front of him while pouting his lips, as if he's thinking. But then, an expected answer came out from his mouth.

"Fake lovers," Hyunsuk said. I let out a sigh. He still have that expression as if he didn't do anything wrong whenever he answered the same answer with the exact same answer.

"What fake lovers going on for almost 10 years? And 5 years of living together?" I asked.

"We're just friends then," Hyunsuk said before he quickly left a peck on my lips. I put my hand behind his head and gently pulled his head to close the distance between us. Hyunsuk lean in following my direction and our lips met again. It has been almost 10 years since we graduated high school. And I didn't even expected that we're still keeping this relationship. After sharing a slow and soft kiss, Hyunsuk slowly pulled away and smiled. He took back the tablet he just put away when he just realized that I was awake.

"What kind of friends sharing kisses?" I asked.

"Not sure. A really good friend I guess," Hyunsuk said without looking at me. He already focusing his sight to read the things on his tablet. "Go and take a shower. You must've been tired for having to do overtime almost everyday. I'll prepare you something to eat after I done revising this,"

I change my position from lying down to sit right next to Hyunsuk. I just glared at him while he still focused on his tablet.

"What?" he asked. I let out a sigh.

"Nothing," I stood up and walked toward my bedroom. I went to took a shower and then lying down on my bed after done. For the last 10 years, Hyunsuk has always been by my side. As my fake lover. What happened to the due of our relationship? it got extended... For many times already. And our latest due is on next week.

Should I just tell him that I like him? But I don't want to lose him. Yeah. That's how the whole thing started. It's because of me afraid of losing someone. Because I have a crush on my own best friend, Chaewon but don't any other people to find out about it. And there's Choi Hyunsuk suggesting for us to be fake boyfriends.

It doesn't took me too long for me to forget about my feeling toward Chaewon. But why is it so hard for me to get over Hyunsuk? Even though there are several times where we didn't meet each other because of our own study and work. Probably because with Hyunsuk, I feel like I still will have a chance since he's not dating anyone else for past few years. 

Why am I easily falling for someone? Falling for my close friend on top of it. I tried to showed Hyunsuk that I have a feeling toward him, more than a friend. I just haven't tell him directly about it. It was like last year? When I starting to treat him more than just a friend. And Hyunsuk just play along with it.

I feel like he's just go with my flow. Because he feel like he need to. I really like him. A lot. 

"Park Jihoon?" Hyunsuk suddenly knocked on my door.

"Come in. It's not locked," I said while still lying down on the bed. I don't feel like to do anything and just lying down here. And maybe will just go sleep again. Hyunsuk opened the door of my bedroom.

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