chapter 3 hang with the fang

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"WHAT!" Dipper and mable exclaimed at the same time.

"I know it's a lot to take in at once. But the portal can't be opened again and Bill can't leave so we at least have that. And we have been getting ready for and if he does. And we have m/n on our side."

"I can't believe this." Dipper said leaning back.

"On the contract. What did would have weakened him. And by a good bit. The portal was giving him power from the realm he came from. And without that and being weakened he won't be much of a threat." M/n said.

"Worry worts enough of that. You kids go settle in and m/n can go with you around town, see all your old friends." Grunkle Stan said standing up.

"Yes! Town day!" M/n said standing and poofing away.

"Are you guys serious! A demon stay here!" Dipper said looking at uncle ford.

"I know its a lot but its been so long we have almost 0 reasons to not trust him anymore. And that 1% is the fact he is a demon, and he can't control that." Uncle ford said going outside to bring some of their stuff in.

"If only he could be useful for helping with these thinks all the time. " ford said dropping the bags and bringing in the rest as the twins went back and forth taking them all up stairs and unpacking there things putting then away.

"We're back home waddles!" Mable said hugging her pet pig.

"Ready to go!" M/n said showing up behind the twins in a now f/c and s/c suit and bow tie, with his cane. And in the middle of the bow was a small df/s pin.

"Uh yeah" dipper said slowly after looking at mable.

"Yeah let's go!" Maple said exited. And m/n snapped and they where all of a sudden in town.

"Oh perfect timing. Wendy! " m/n called the redhead over. "You know the pines don't ya?"

"Oh! You guys are back sweet! I didn't know that. yeah i know them dude. Staying all summer again?"

"Yup!" Maple said.

"Guessing stan set ya to hang with the fang for today?" Wendy said laughing and m/n snickered.

"The fang?" Dipper questioned.

"Yeah. Show them." Wendy said punching m/ns shoulder jokingly. He lowered down to there level and opened his mouth so they could clearly see his teeth.

"Woah! Are they real? They look sharp." Maple asked going to touch one of m/ns sharp teeth, or his two bigger fangs. But he pulled back. Wendy handed him a stick and he bit it them showed them the very clear bite mark.

"Oh yeah." M/n answered standing up. Giving wendy a fist bump. "Now what should we do first?"

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