chapter 11 episode,prophesy,comfort

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As Dipper sat with ford playing DD&D maple watched tv as bill sat up right watching with her as m/n layed still asleep, his head on Bill's lap. It was silent and quiet till m/n snapped up. His eyes wide glowing white as he voice was not his own. It was loud, and way deeper than normal. And it let out an echo around the otherwise quiet house.

" A new force once awoken will come and take what was broken.

To take back what is owned end the one who Broke the stone

Fire burns the emerald trees, breaks the stones and kills the three, but paper of truth can't burn.

Weakened by nightmares desires a force stronger than emeralds eye." His eyes still white catch on fire, his fire. His beautiful f/c fire that soon turned to a crimson red(or black) and the symbols appeared on his body as he talked again. "7 18 1 22 9 20 25 6 1 12 12 19 2 21 2 2 12 5 20 5 12 12 14 15 15 14 5 20 18 21 19 20 14 15 15 14 5" As he stopped talking he fell forward again as if it didn't happen. Taking a deep breath. They didn't even realize he wasn't breathing before.

While the others were shocked and confused, even bill. Other than ford. Ford seen a similar episode not as dramatic. But what he said left him terrified. Horrified.

Never before did he fear m/n, didnt he think to fear him. But now he did. At that moment he never felt so scared before. For the love of all thing's holy. The only thing Ford could think was that, and that for the love of any god there may be. Don't let Bill think about what was just said.

Unknown to him, Bill wasn't paying attention to the words, rather to ease the pain. As m/n opened his eyes he groaned. Getting up ford went to go get m/n the things he would need.

" head." M/n whimpered holding his head. How could anyone enjoy pain? Enjoying pain just means you never felt it. And what he felt was true pain. It was unbearable, worse then when he had his arm bitten off by another demon saving ford.

"What was that?" Dipper asked looking at him. M/n couldn't even answer because he didn't remember.

"What was what?"

"You said something weird." Maple said paying full attention for once.

"What did i say?" M/n asked. Last time this happened was when he said his little prophesy, and that wasn't as painful.

" 'a new force once awoken come take back what was broken. To take back what is owned end the one who broke the stone. Fore burns the emerald trees, breaks the stone and kills the tree, but paper of truth can't burn. Weakened by nightmares desire a force stronger then elmeralds eye' I believe that's part of your prophecy." Bill said recalling the words.

"Prophecy?" Dipper asked. As ford came in with a blanket, some pills, and bowl of soup just warmed.

"Hold with the questions kids. Dreams dont just give information like we do. At least let m/n calm down a little." He said handing m/n the pills as he took them. Then giving his the hot tomato soup.

"Thank you ford." M/n said. As he was wrapped in the blanket.

"Is m/n gonna be ok?" Maple asked.

"Think of this as a fever for him right now. It's best we let him rest for a while." Ford said taking the twins to go do an outside activity. Stan would be busy with the occasional customers, today was a slow one. But it worked out, Wendy called off. Soos wouldn't be back into tomorrow.

Bill pulled m/n closer to rest his head on the others shoulder. As they sat in a comfortable silence as m/n slowly sipped on his soup. Offering bill some, who declined.

M/n finished the energy he needed for his body, to help him feel better. He hated his human-like sickness episodes ford calls 'fevers'. Snapping to make the cup like bowl disappear. He sighed and got up wrapping the blanket around himself he started to walk off.

But as always was followed by the yellow dream demon. "Wanna talk on it?" Bill asked following m/n as he walked to his room, even though he never used it. Always finding comfort in the trees and night sky.

"Yeah." M/n said opening his door and going to sits on his bed and bill closed the door behind him and sits in front of him.

Taking out a book m/n started to write down going over to bill and sitting in between his legs leaning on his chest, to allow him to see the paper. And his human form was rather warm and these fevers made m/n cold often even with the body warmth and blanket over him he was cold but not so bad.

"So we now have.
'To heal he of f/c , heal the one of three.

Together watched the burning fire set a spark of hearts desires.

A deals a deal one in stone strong, but this paper is unbroken.

Mothers tears in a bottle break the spell of forgotten refuge.

A new force once awoken will come and take what was broken.

To take back what is owned end the one who Broke the stone

Fire burns the emerald trees, breaks the stones and kills the three, but paper of truth can't burn.

Weakened by nightmares desire, a force stronger then emerald eye.'

So lets work this out."

"Well he of f/c has to be you, talking about your f/c df/s. And nightmares desire must also be you." Bill said as m/n wrote that down.

"So I heal one of three. Three would be a lot of things." I thought for a moment. "Can't be the twins or ford, any of the pines. Only thing I can think of that has three is you. " bill stiffened but soon relaxed. "Watched the burning"

"Lets move on past this line. What about emeralds eye? Could that me another demon?"

"Possibly but I don't know any emeralds shaped demons. Do you?"

"No, but what else could it be?"

"Not sure." M/n said writing down possibly another demon and bill before the pain returned. Dropping his pen he hissed. "M-maybe later we can finish." M/n groaned. Going to crawl under the many blankets he has laying on his bed. Thinking for a while bill. Layed down next to him on top of the oddly high number of blankets. Why was he always so cold? A demon shouldn't get this cold even in a different form. Shape or human-like.

"You haven't annoyed me is home and you warm so get under." M/n said which sounded more like a demand.

Not complaining, Bill joined him in a warm embrace under all the blankets thick and thin. Tracing small circles on m/ns back.

"For a demon your temperature is pathetic."

"I enjoy warmth but this human 'fever' is making me not be able to control much. Should last a few hours though."

"I can live with this for a couple hours." Bill said and they did. Wasn't into it got dark and the others, dipper mable and ford, came home did they even think to have to get up.

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