chapter 5 find out who

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"What the fuck." Dipper said as he walking in.

"Language!- what the fuck?" Ford said as he followed behind. The odd man smirked at them in a misfit way, different from the one he gave me. And then he disappears.

"Who was that m/n?" Ford asked very confused.

"I don't know who but he was kinda in my dream and now he's just following me?"

"What if its bill?" Dipper said. And ford looked at me. I knew he wanted me to find out who it is.

"I'll see if i can get his demon form or name." I said and that's when mable popped in.

"Do you have a demon form is this it?" She asked putting on the tv. I changed into my demon from (like bills but your own color and shape, like a heart or circle just what you want it to be) then changed back. "That's so cool!" She happily said then got side tracked by her show and I teleported to the top of the mystery shack and laid down. Fastest private way to see him soon will be in a dream time lapse.

~Dream world~

As soon as I saw the white I knew he was here. I felt arms pull me towards them, turning me around as well. I saw the familiar man. "Who are you?" I asked him.

"So you taken an interest in me?" He asked leaning in closer to me as I leaned back. His hand around my waist the the other holding my one hand up.

"No." I hissed at him. "You just keep bothering me."

"You like it doll don't lie." He got closer and closer to my face to where our lips were almost touching. I could feel my face heat up slightly from him being so close and he moved to my ear. "You're a little red." He snickered. "Bill cipher." He said before I woke up. As the dream lapse ended.

I woke up and teleported to ford. I made sure we were alone first. "Its bill."

"So it is him. What has he been doing?"

"W-well um he has been very flirty." Curse that studder. Ford blinked at me.

"So your rival is flirting with you?"


"Um. Ok past that any information." He asked writing something down, which i knew had to be the flirting and any other information i had.

"He seems to be taking on a human form like i do, i don't know if its because of me or not. He is weak, not so much to you guys but against me he is still weaker so he has not recovered. And so far nothing seems to be out of order so I don't believe he had done anything other than visiting me." As he wrote the information down.

"What do you think he is planning?"

"Well I know for a fact he is to smart to try and get me to join him, even in his strong state. And if he lost to us he might be trying to join us. But this is just a possibility andI cant think of nothing else. Since I'm an equal match to him, in smarts, power, age, and all-out combat, with you guys on my side. I can't think he would even try to attack me."

"See your point, and without the portal he can't use his full magic."

"No. But neither can i. Like I said we are the same but of different breeds. Different apples of the same tree." i pointed out

"I guess we better inform the others that this is bill in case he tries anything. I'll call dipper and mable to come home." ford said

"Ill get Stanley, and wendy." With that we went our separate ways to collect the gang to inform them of the information we gathered.

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