chapter 6 bill.

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After we got everyone here and we all sat down around the room, m/n just kinda floated off to the side in the air.

"So we brought you all here to talk about bill."

"Looks like I'm just in time darling~" bill said as he was all of a sudden behind m/n.

"Yup of course he's here. Just continue ford." m/n said unbothered at this point just annoyed.

" anyways as I was saying. Bill is alive. Clearly. And has taken on a human form like this one." ford said guesting to bill a few times as he did. Bill floating with m/n layed himself on his lap. m/n tried to push him off but the bastard had to much of a grip.

"Why?!" m/n whispered yelled at him. And he just smirked at me.

"And as you can see. He has uh taken a liking to m/n" ford continued as now the others had more of a reason to look over at the two, before continuing with this little meeting.

"But uncle Ford you said that they are enemies?" Dipper asked confused. Can't blame him.

"Yup. Our species hate each other like lions and bears(if you know you know)."

"This is like a enemy lovers story." Mable said doing a slight fangirl. Seeming hearing bill was no match for m/n made the room rather calm with him being there.

"No it's not!" I protest turning up right pushing him off.

"I don't know your dreams say otherwise darling." Bill said holding my faces he got closer. I punched him and he whimpered slightly.

"You make me have them! What are we even gonna do with him?" I asked the others but mostly ford, and maybe dipper.

"As much as i hate this. If m/n is the only thing that can really best him. I think he should stay here with you." Dipper said looking at ford then me.

"M/n I'm sorry but he is right. We cant risk bill taking over." m/n eye twitched hearing ford say that as he teleported to his tree.

"Oh dear if i don't have my doll i might as well go destroy things" bill said being dramatic and teleporting away as well.

"Is he.. Is he doing this on purpose? are you guys seeing this?" Wendy pointed out.

"I know it's weird but for right now this is our only plan." Ford said and sent mable to go get m/n, so m/n can go get bill, so bill doesn't kill someone.

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