chapter 4 odd man

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Dipper, Maple and m/n walk into the shack all laughing. "Uncle Ford was right m/n you're pretty great." Dipper said and m/n bowed.

"No lies there! But you to better go sleep you have a long first day and have a long day tomorrow." Remembering that it was dark out the twins didnt protest and went to their room.

"Seems like they like you already." Ford said.

M/n turned to look at him and smiled. "Yeah. Dipper liked wendy so i teleported to us near her and she just joined in. And since she trusts me he unconsciously started to."

"Your ways with the mind makes me glad you're on our side in the grand scheme of things. " ford said going to bed while m/n walked outside and into a clearing in the woods. Floating into a tree and floating just above a thick branch falling asleep.

~M/n pov~

I was in a blank white void. "Odd?" I said to myself. As a demon of dreams I usually control my own. My dream started to shift. Was this my mother reaching out to me? I was in the forest. I was turned around by a tall man, taller than me.

He was very yellow, he had a yellow and black suit. He had yellow and black hair and yellow glowing eyes. Well eye, one was covered by a eye patch.And a top hat. He pulled me closer to him and started to dance and sing. "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know whenn~." He sings as he twirled me around. "But i know we'll meet again, some sunny dayy~" as the sun shined on us i was confused. Who could this be? Why was i having this dream?

"Keep smiling through" still singing he takes my face and moves my mouth into a smile. Running one of his fingers down my fang with his other hand as he goes back to holding my hand intertwining our fingers. "Just like you always do" with one hand on my face and the other holding my hand he gets close to my face that we are almost touching. "Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away" he whispered the last line as everything started to fade away.

~Dream over~

I woke up and could feel the heat on my face, what the fuck. Was that? I sat up and just sat there for a while. Before I jumped down from the tree and turned to go to the mystery shack but I bumped into someone. I looked and saw it was the same person from my dream. He took my hands and started to dance again. This time the hand he had on my face was on my waist.

He started to hum the song again as we danced around in the clearing. "I told you we'd meet again darling~" he said as he disappeared and I heard the voice of mable calling me. Shaking myself out of my confused state I teleported to the shack. "Oo what's for breakfast?" I asked sitting down with the others.

"Eggs and bacon." Standley said. Giving m/l his plate and he sat down with his own mable coming and sitting in her seat and they all started to eat. I took the honey and covered my eyes and bacon and started to munch down on my sweet sugary meal. I could feel dippers weird glance but I ignored it and enjoyed the sweet taste.

I finished and cleaned my plate and changed my gloves making the old pair disappear for me to clean later again. I walked into the living room and saw that guy. What the- "huh?" I said. And he pulled me over to the sofa. He went over the armrest and sat down pulling me with him to where I was on top of him. As he held my face to make me look at him, with that same smirk as before. In my dream and in the forest. 

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