Ronnie Goes to School

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— 1 year later —

As time progressed, Ronnie reached the age of six, a milestone that traditionally marks the beginning of formal education. Vegito ventured to the nearest city and secured a place for her in the most prestigious elementary school available. While Vegito was somewhat perplexed by the importance Gogeta placed on Ronnie's education, Gogeta viewed it as a crucial aspect of her upbringing.

Ronnie was thrilled about attending school, ready to immerse herself in a new environment filled with peers and unfamiliar faces. Inheriting Gogeta's shy demeanor, she found it challenging to engage socially, often remaining quiet. Her only companion was Emily, a classmate from a wealthy family involved in spaceship technology. Despite Emily's occasionally haughty and mean-spirited behavior, Ronnie maintained her composure and kindness, which allowed a friendship to blossom between them.

Ronnie's distinct appearance as a Saiyan, coupled with her remarkable intellect and academic excellence, made her stand out among her peers. She also discovered a passion for drawing and playing the guitar, excelling in both disciplines. One of her notable artworks featured a silhouette of her and Vegito on the farm, gazing at the stars, with Vegito and Gogeta holding her hands. This drawing, meant as a gift for Gogeta, was lovingly framed by him and placed prominently on his shelf, a gesture that deeply moved Vegito.

While admired by many at school, Ronnie faced resentment from some who perceived her exemplary behavior and quiet nature as weaknesses. Yet, her formidable presence when angered deterred any potential bullying.

An opportunity for Ronnie to showcase her strength arose during a dodgeball competition organized by her school. After impressively demonstrating her prowess, she was eagerly recruited by Emily to join her team for the upcoming tournament. The prospect of participating filled Ronnie with excitement, and she accepted the invitation.

The school invited parents to attend the competition, prompting Ronnie to hope that Gogeta, despite his aversion to crowded spaces, might come to watch her play. With Vegito's persistent coaxing, Gogeta was convinced to attend, keeping his presence a surprise for Ronnie.

On the day of the competition, Ronnie's joy was palpable when she spotted Gogeta and Vegito in the audience. Their support propelled her team to victory, with Ronnie leading them to win the championship and earning herself a golden medal. The celebration was capped with a photo capturing the proud moment, marking it as an unforgettable highlight in Ronnie's life.

As the school year concluded and Planet Paradise approached its New Year celebrations, Gogeta decided to gift Ronnie a foal, which she named "Spirit." The bond between Ronnie and Spirit grew strong, with Ronnie taking on the responsibility of caring for her new companion. Despite her ability to fly, Ronnie found joy in horseback riding, even teaching Gogeta the skill. Vegito's attempts to learn were less successful, often ending in comedic falls, adding a light-hearted note to their family life.

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