Hanging out with an old friend?

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Your pov:
I got ready for school as usual,and left for school.
While waiting for the bus,I decided to text Kazuha.
I pulled my Phone out of my pocket and unlocked it.

                        ~Text With Kazu~

                                        "Good morning,Kazu!"

                    "I know it's Kind of early,but I'm
              kind of bored rn..so yeah"

I then shut down my phone and waited for the bus.
"Hm?"I hummed as I unlocked my phone once again.

                      ~Chat With Kazu~

"My apologies,Y/N."

"I'm sorry for not replying earlier."

                                   "It's alright Kazu!"

                      "Glad you're awake now hahaha"

"Are you on the way to school now?"

                                   "I'm actually waiting for the

"I see."

"See you at school then."

                  ~Kazu was last seen a second ago~

I smiled slightly before putting away my phone as soon as I saw the bus arrive.
I got onto the bus and sat at my usual seat.
I wonder if scara will come to school today..

~Time Skip~
The sound of the doors of the bus opening reached my attention.
Is it Scara?
The first person to enter the bus was Kazuha.
And the next was Scaramouche.
Both of them waved at me as they walked passed me while I was flabbergasted.
What the actual fu-
Once the doors closed,I quietly tiptoed to Scaramouche's seat and sat beside him.
"Ah,Scara..Uh,here's my number.I-it's for the project.." I said,laughing nervously.
Scaramouche then grabbed my phone and pulled out his phone out and dialed my number.
"There.Done." Scaramouche said with a huff.
"Okay!Talk to you later!" I whispered loudly so he could hear.
Next,I tiptoed to Kazuha's seat and sat beside him.
"Hey Kazu!" I whispered loudly.
"Hello,Y/N.It's great to see you again." Kazuha said with a smile.
"Wanna walk to school together?" I asked.
"Well, more like,wanna walk to class together?" I asked.
Scaramouche heard our conversation and narrowed his eyebrows.
"Tch.I should get rid of him." Scaramouche thought.
"Sure." Kazuha said.
"Yay!Oh,right.Why were you at the same bus stop as Scara?" I asked.
"..scara?" Kazuha asked.
"A-ah,that's the nickname I gave Scaramouche.The boy with dark blue hair and indigo eyes." I explained.
Kazuha felt a tint of jealously but shook it off and smiled.
"Well,my family and I just recently moved houses." Kazuha explained.
'hm..It appears..that I have competition.' Kazuha thought as he smirked.
"U-uh,Kazu?" I asked worriedly.
"Oh,sorry about that Y/N.You should get back to your seat.We are almost there," Kazuha said with a smile.
I was a bit confused but ignored it and went to my seat.

We finally reached school.
"Ah,Scara!Wanna join us?" I asked Scaramouche as he got off the bus.
"Sure I guess." Scaramouche said.
"Then it's decided!" I exclaimed as Kazuha,Scaramouche and I walked to class.

~TimeSkip again~
Once we reached our classroom,I grabbed my textbooks and notebooks from my locker and walked into the classroom,and sat at my seat.
I turned to face Kazuha.
"Ahem,Kazu!" I cleared my throat.
Kazuha was writing something but stopped once he heard me.
"U-um..." I stuttered a bit.
Since It has been a while since we really "talked" it's kinda awkward.Y'know?
I cleared my throat once again,and spoke.
"Would you like to hang out after school?" I asked.
Kazuha's eyes widened for a second,but then he smiled.
"Of course,Y/N." Kazuha said calmly.
How can a human being be this calm.
This man ain't huma—
Suddenly,I felt a soft poke.
"Y/n?" Kazuha asked.
"Ah-Sorry Kazu!I was just thinking about something," I explained.
Kazuha nodded.
"Good morning class."
I immediately whispered a 'talk to u later' before facing the front and stood up with the class as we greeted the teacher.
Our teacher then allowed us to work on our projects.

~Time Skip~
Soon our classes ended.
I quickly placed my books into my bag and zipped my bag and carried it.
"Lets go,Kazu!" I exclaimed.
Kazuha chuckled at my enthusiasm as he carried his bag and we left the school.
"Hm,Where do u wanna go?" I asked.
"Oh!I know!Why not we go to an arcade?" I asked.
"I think there's one nearby—well there is a shopping mall nearby and it has an arcade," I continued.
"Let's go there then." Kazuha replied.
I was about to say something until Kazuha walked towards me.
Kazuha then reached his hand out and touched my hair.
"You have a leaf in your hair." Kazuha said.
"Oh,so that's what you were trying to take!Thanks,Kazu." I said.
I then reached out my hand.
"Shall we,Kazu?" I asked.
Kazuha blushed but grabbed my hand gently.
Immediately,I pulled his hand and dragged him to the mall.

~At the mall~
"Ah,we're here!" I exclaimed as the automatic doors of the mall opened.
I closed my eyes as I felt the cool air caressed my face.
I fluttered my eyes open and sighed happily.
"I'm glad you're here with me,Kazu." I said with a smile.
A blush formed onto Kazuha's cheeks as his eyes widened.
Kazuha's lips craved into a smile.
"I'm glad too,Y/N." He said.
I giggled as we went upstairs to the arcade.

~At the arcade~
"I lost again!Ugh!" I shouted in frustration.
Kazuha simply chuckled.
"What's so funny,Kazu?" I asked.
"My apologies,Y/N. It's just that you're cute when you're angry." Kazuha said.
"Cute?" I asked.
Kazuha nodded.
"W-well don't think much of it.."Kazuha said
I nodded as we proceeded to play the others games.
But after all,good times don't always last forever right?
Unfortunately,we had to say our goodbyes.
"I really had fun today,Kazu! Let's hang out another time." I exclaimed.
Kazuha hummed as we parted ways.

Hello!Its me,the author again
I'm sorry if this chapter is short.
I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter.
Please comment your thoughts on the chapters in these book.
It would really make me happy.
Thank you!

Scaramouche was really.really jealous that you and Kazuha have been hanging out lately.

That would be all for today.
Thank you for reading this chapter.

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