The lonely won't be lonely forever

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Posting two chapters in a day?

Your pov:

The cold breeze brushed against my face as I sighed,my warm breath going into contact with the cold window.
'Snow...' I muttered under my breath.
"What has gotten you in the dumps,girlie?"
"Um,who are you?" I asked awkwardly.

"Oops,my bad!My name is Tartaglia!You can call me Childe,girlie~" Tartaglia said.
"My Y/N L/N." I said hesitantly.
"Nice to meet you,y/n! Say,do you know a small purple grumpy dude named Scaramouche?" Tartaglia asked.
What business does he have with Scara...

I shot a quick glare at Childe before speaking.
"I know him.But what type of business do you have with him?" I asked,raising an eyebrow.

To my surprise,Childe chuckled.
"Interesting!" Tartaglia exclaimed.
"Scaramouche and I are...." 
"Are...Besties!" Tartaglia exclaimed.

I thought I was his only bestie??
Damn,truth hurts huh.
I smirked a let out a chuckle.
"I didn't know Scara had friends?" I said.
"Haha!He actually does,but he doesn't see us as one!" Childe exclaimed.
"Childe." Said an intimidating voice.

Childe turned around and smiled at Scaramouche,oh so brightly.
"Oh!Comrade!I was just looking for yo—"
"Get out of my way,talk ginger." Scaramouche said as he pushed Tartaglia away from me.

Scaramouche took a seat beside me and huffed.
"Hmph.What were you doing with him?"Scaramouche asked.

"Eh?He just asked me about you.?" I said.
Scaramouche sighed, "let's get going,darling."
I blushed at the nickname and ignored it as I walked out together with Scaramouche.

Snow fell from the sky.
I briefly reached my hand out,feeling a small snowflake fall into my palm.
It's been a while since I've seen snow.
I was wearing a pink coat with fur peaking out of the hood. I also wore a white scarf that wrapped around my neck, along with a beanie and a pair of white gloves.

I awkwardly cleared my throat,trying not to blush out of embarrassment.
"Ahem..Where are we going,Scara?" I asked.
"You'll see later.Just follow me." Scaramouche stated as he held my hand and dragged me.

"W—wait..!" I exclaimed,but to no avail.
He doesn't listen..

"We're here." Scaramouche said.
I quickly let go of Scaramouche's hand as I observed the woman who was in front of us.

The woman had blonde hair.
A black crown on top of her head,and a short black vell hiding one of her eyes.
She had blue piercing eyes.
She wore a simple red and black coat, a scarf around her neck and a pair of black earrings.

The atmosphere changed from calm to tense once Scaramouche and that woman had eye contact.
They were basically having an eye staring contest.

"Sorry to interrupt,but who exactly are you?" I asked.
The woman huffed in amazement.
"My,you couldn't even tell your little girlfriend here about me?What a friend you are,the balladeer." The woman said.
Scaramouche glared at her before speaking.
"Don't you ever call me by that name ever again. Signora." Scaramouche warned.
"Why should I even introduce you to her,anyway?" Scaramouche huffed.

"Pfft,you're still the same as ever." Signora laughed.
"Ahem,my apologies.My name is Signora.I am one of Scaramouche's old friends. I assume you are y/n?" Signora asked.
"Yes..But how do you know my name?" I asked.
"Oh,you don't have to worry about that." Signora added.
Suspicious I must say...
Nah,Scara probably told her.

"Whatever.Let's just get this over with." Scaramouche said as he signaled us to follow him.

Finally,we arrived to a mall.
The automatic doors opened as I walked in,the cool breeze brushed against my face,giving me satisfaction.
A warm hand brushed against mine but soon grabbed my hand.
My eyes widened in surprise as I turned around.
Scaramouche used his hand to hide his face while looking away while holding my hand.

A  smile craved onto my lips.
"Hey love birds!Hurry up," Signora shouted.
"R-right!" I exclaimed as I pulled Scaramouche towards Signora.

"Are we eating here?" I asked.
"Hey comrade!" A familiar voice chirped.
"Hm?Oh,Its you Childe." I said.
"You didn't think of leaving me out right,Signora?" Childe asked.
"I did."
"How could you...betray me like this.." Childe sobbed.
"Shut your wailing,Ginger." Scaramouche said as he walked in to the restaurant.
"Let's get going, Signora..Childe." I said with a formal tone.
"Please drop the formality,Y/n.From this day onwards, we are your friends." Signora said with a smile.

My eyes widened as I saw Childe and Signora smiling so warmly.
"Thank you.." I muttered as tears fell from my eyes.
I'm so happy...
I'm really glad..

Scaramouche noticed I was crying and smiled,looking at my way.
"So childish.Crying for such a reason."
"W-wha-?" I asked as I felt warm hands my waist.
"Scara?" I asked.
"Just let me hug you,y/n. After all,I don't want  my girlfriend to feel sad."
I smiled softly at his words as I closed my eyes.
I won't forget this moment,ever.

"Hm,I'll have this and..." I said to the waitress.

After ordering and waiting for the food to come..

"Mhm,this place has the best food!" I exclaimed.
"You sure have good taste,comrade!" Childe complimented.
"Don't talk while eating.That's simple manners,Childe." Signora said.
Today was really fun.
"Hm?" I hummed as my eyes widened.

Scaramouche used his thumb to wipe away the food on my cheek and smirked.
"You keep getting your face dirty when you're eating,y/n." Scaramouche chuckled.
I blushed, "stop embarrassing me...." I whispered.
"Fine," Scaramouche said as he sat back at his seat.
"Better,at least no one else saw.." I said.

"Ah~Thanks for everything." I said with a smile.
"Of course,Comrade!" Childe exclaimed with a thumbs up.
"No problem." Signora said with a smile.
"...As long as you enjoyed yourself.." Scaramouche muttered under his breath,loud enough for me to hear.
I smiled and hugged the group.
"Really,thank you!" I exclaimed.

The lonely was now surrounded with friends.
A very warm feeling,indeed.

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