Wanna hang out and kill some time?

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Hello,I did not expect this book to get 20 views already.Thank you so much!I will try my best to make the chapters exciting.Please comment suggestions for the next chapter of you have any.Thank you!

Your pov:
It was a Saturday morning,and I had nothing to do. "what to do...ughhhh" I groaned as I looked at my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Maybe I'll text R/N perhaps we could meet up.

                              - Chat With R/N -

                                                                 "Hey R/N."

"What's up Y/N?"

                                          "I'm bored.Please help."

"how about a no?"

                                             "Can we meet up pls"

"Yeah,no.I'm busy rn."

                                        "aww,maybe next time."

"I'm sorry :("

I sighed in disappointment and put down my phone. "Ah...what a shame." I mumbled. "Maybe I should just go out by myself." I said. Alright!It's decided! I walked to my closet and opened it.Inside,was many types of clothes. Dresses,shirts,pants,skirts,my school uniforms,and much more. I spent approximately 5 minutes just to find an outfit.Because this is how I am.
Finally deciding what to wear,I grabbed a dress that was in the colour pink. It was not too long nor too short.

I quickly put the dress on,and looked at the mirror once I was done

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I quickly put the dress on,and looked at the mirror once I was done. I turned around to see if the dress looked nice on me. "Perfect!" I exclaimed and grabbed of long boots and left the house.

I finally reached the mall. It was quite big actually.
I took my phone out my long sling bag.
I then took a picture of myself and sent it to R/N.
'I wonder what she's doing now..probably something stupid.' I thought.
While walking,I looked at the nearby shops not looking in front. "Bump!" A sound was made and I feel back,landing onto the floor. "Ow..." I mumbled. "Tch.Be careful next time Y/n." A familiar voice said,annoyed. I quickly got up and slowly looked up to meet Scaramouche's indigo eyes. "Scaramouche?What are you doing here?Ah,I almost forgot.I apologize for bumping into you.Forgive me," I said,a bit nervous.
I heard he is easy to get mad..I shouldn't get on his nerves,now should I?
'is she scared of me?' Scaramouche thought,as he frowned slightly.
But his frown changed to his usual face.
"Tch.What?Can I not be here?" Scaramouche asked.
Well,he doesn't seem angry that I bumped into him sooo..
"I wanted to ask,would you like to hang out?Like right now," I asked.
"Sure I guess.I have time to kill anyway."
"Yay!" I exclaimed as I smiled at him.
"Stop.Your smile is weird." Scaramouche insulted.
"ouch!You broke my heart,Scaramouche!" I chuckled as we walked.
"Ah,May I call you Scara?...If you don't mind of course." I asked politely.
"What's with the polite tone?We're friends aren't we?Talk to me normally..I feel uncomfortable when you talk to me like that. That tone is annoying.But,call me however you want.I don't care." Scaramouche said in an annoyed voice.
"f-friends huh.." I mumbled,but Scaramouche managed to here and spared me a look.
"what did you say?" Scaramouche asked.
"N-nothing!" I shouted as I looked away,feeling my face heat up.
Scaramouche then smirked and said, "you're really something else."
I looked back at him and my eyes widened.
He was smiling?
He is capable of that?
Not gonna lie,he looks handsome when he smiles.
"I like your smile,Scara." I said with a smile.
"s-shut up." Scaramouche said as he looked away.
"Aww are you embarrassed?~" I teased,but Scaramouche simply glared at me.
I tensed, "j-just joking!" I shouted nervously.

~time skip~
"Scara,Why don't we go shopping?" I asked.
"Do whatever you want.I'll just stay here."
"Okay." I said with a small smile as I walked inside.

"how am I supposed to choose...." I thought.

~another time skip~
After an hour of suffering,I managed to choose a bunch of clothes but. Scaramouche had insisted that he would pay. And of course,I denied his offer.

"Okay,I'm done!Scara." I told Scaramouche.
"Just hurry up and get this over with," Scaramouche added as we walked to the counter.
Oh,if you're confused,Scaramouche ended up following me cause I was taking too long.
After queuing,it was finally our turn. I then gave the woman who worked at the counter the basket of clothes and my credit card.But before the woman could grab the card,Scaramouche stopped my arm. "Scara?" I asked.
"Use mine." Scaramouche said in an serious tone.
"I couldn't possibly—" I said.
"Use mine." Scaramouche said once again,with a scarier voice and glared at me.
I gave in,and nodded.
The woman at the counter simply giggled and took the card and gave me a bag with my clothes inside.
"You two are a cute couple. He's a keeper." The woman joked.
"H-huh?W-we're not a couple!—" I exclaimed but was cut off when Scaramouche pulled me out of the shop.

~end of flashback~
"What was that for?You know,I could've paid for it.
"Since you comforted me yesterday,I'm just paying back the favour.Don't get the wrong ideas," Scaramouche warned.
"O-okay." I stuttered.

We then walked inside an restaurant.
"There's a seat over there,Scara!" I exclaimed as I pointed to a direction.
Scaramouche simply nodded and we took a seat.
"Excuse me,Ma'm and Sir." The waitress said.
"What would you like to order?" The waitress added.
"Just this." Scaramouche said.
"A-ah,I would like to have this and this,please." I pointed to the waitress.
The waitress wrote our orders down and nodded and left.
He was low key hot.
/j Scaramouche is better but-
Damn.He must have a girlfriend.
I mean,who in the right mind wouldn't li— I was stopped by a shout.
"Y/n!" Scaramouche shouted with a frown.
"O-oh!Yeah?" I asked.
"you've been acting weird since that waitress left." Scaramouche said.
"...man..I should've asked for his number.." I muttered under my breath,but Scaramouche heard.
And oh,he didn't like that.He was jealous.
'I'm more handsome than him anyway.Why would you need his number if you could have mine?" Scaramouche thought,as he let out an annoyed huff.
"Scara?you okay?" I asked
"Yeah,whatever."He replied.
"If you say so," I said.

Later,the waitress came back with our food.And I thanked him,while...Scaramouche glared at him. Weird..but I ignored it and ate my food. Soon,Scaramouche did the same,and we finished our food.

The waitress then came back to take our food and gave us the receipt. Right before the waitress was about to leave, I asked, "Excuse me,but could—" I was interrupted by Scaramouche.
"Could we pay now?" Scaramouche asked as he gave the waitress a fake smile.A very forced one.
"Of course.The counter it's right there."

Once again,Scaramouche paid for the food.
"Thanks for hanging out with me today,Scara." I said with a smile.
"I only hung out with you to kill some time." Scaramouche added as he rolled his eyes.
"..I see.Well,that doesn't change the fact that you hung out with me today,so thank you!" I exclaimed as I hugged him.
Scaramouche was taken back,but to my surprise,he hugged back.
I smiled and stopped hugging him.
"See you at school,then!Bye!" I exclaimed as I waved him goodbye and left.

Scaramouche's Pov:
I don't know why,but I have the desire to kill someone right now.Ugh this is so damn confusing.I'm too tired to think about this..

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