Jealous much?

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                              Jealous Much?

                              Chapter 12

Your pov:
'Back to school again huh?'I thought as I strolled through the halls.
"Hey girlie!"
"Oh,hello Childe." I said as I turned.
Childe was about to hug me until somebody slapped his hand away.
"Get away from her." Scaramouche demanded.
Childe chuckled as Scaramouche tried pushing him away.
"Oh my," A female voice said.
"Signora?" I asked as Signora approached us.
"Hello,y/n." Signora greeted.
"Hello,Signora." I said with a smile.
"Since you all are here,why not we go to class together?" I asked.
Everyone agreed,and we talked about a lot of things on the way.

~ During PE ~

We were running in circles around the track.
"Hey girlie,you doing okay?" Childe asked.
"Y..yeah." I said.

~Timeskip to Lunch~
"Hey R/N!" I shouted as I waved at her.
"Hey,Y/n!" R/n shouted back as She waved back at me.
Walking towards her,Scaramouche and I quickly sat down.
"So,y/n...Are you guys..a thing now..?" R/n asked.
"W-what?Uh.."I said,my voice trailing down as my eyes wandered elsewhere.
I was sweating,trying to find an excuse.
"Yes,we are." Scaramouche rudely interrupted.
"Y/n..." R/n mumbled.
"Y..yes..?" I asked.
"I'm so happy for you,bestie!Waah!" R/n exclaimed as she suddenly hugged me,making me jump.
"H-huh?" I asked.
"But,thank you for supporting our relationship." I said with a smile.
"Of course,anything for my bestie!" R/n exclaimed.

~After Lunch~

"Hm..where is my next class.." I mumbled,as I held my books in my hands.
My eyes darted everywhere,trying to find my classroom.
Until,I bumped into someone.
"Ouch..." I mumbled as I fell onto the floor.
"Sorry..." I said as I slowly looked up.
"Watch where you're going,brat." A student said,making the two students around her snort.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"Isn't she Scaramouche's girlfriend?Not only is she ugly,but she's clumsy." One of the students said,amongst the three students.
"What is your problem?I already apologised."
I added.
"The problem is you.Who do you think you are?Do you really think Scaramouche loves you?He wouldn't love a ugly freak like you." The student chuckled.
"Jealous much?"
"Excuse me?" The student asked.
"You say I'm the freak,but you're the freak
"And what do you think you're doing?"
Scaramouche asked as he stood in front of me.
"Scara..?" I asked.
"Scaramouche this is not what it looks like!"
"Shut up.And get out of my sight."
The students nodded and they quickly ran away.
"Thanks,Scara." I said.
"Shut it.Let's go." Scaramouche said as he forcefully pulled my arm to class.
A small smile formed onto my lips as I blushed slightly.

~During Math lesson~
"Hey,y/n." Kazuha said.
"Oh,hello Kazu.How are you?" I asked with a smile.
"I'm good,you?" Kazuha asked.
"I'm okay," I said.
Scaramouche frowned,and began walking to my way.
"Hm?" I turned to Scaramouche.
My eyes widened as Scaramouche suddenly hugged me.
"Ah..?Scara?" I asked.
"Shut up."
"Yes,sir." I immediately replied,which made Scaramouche chuckle.
Scaramouche looked up at Kazuha and glared at him.
Scaramouche soon pulled away and went back to his seat.

~After class~
Scaramouche's pov:
"Hey Scara.Wanna walk back home together?" Y/n asked.
"Just wait for me outside." I said.
Finally I get to talk to that bastard.
"You have a minute?" I asked with a fake smile,but inside it was actually a demand.
Kazuha nodded and followed me outside the classroom.
"Listen.Brat.Stay away from my y/n.I know you like her,but she's mine.So back off."I warned with a glare.
"What if I say no?" Kazuha asked.
I grabbed his collar,
"If you don't stay away from y/n,I'll kill you." I warned.
"You're crazy..." Kazuha muttered.
"So what?I'm crazy for that woman.I'll do anything just for her to be mine." I smirked.
"Remember this,Kazuha Kaedehara.stay.away.from.Y/N."I said,before loosening my grip making the boy fall.
I smirked as I walked away.

"Over here,Scara!" I shouted,trying to get Scaramouche's attention.
"Okay,let's gooooo!" I exclaimed as I pulled Scaramouche by his arm.

"Okay,thank you Scara." I said with a smile.
Scaramouche slowly walked towards me and asked me to bend down.
"Huh?" I asked,but did it anyway.
As soon as I bent down, Scaramouche kisses me on the lips.
Scaramouche smirked at my flustered reaction and broke the kiss.
"Have sweet dreams,y/n." Scaramouche chuckled as he walked away.
Did he just kiss me?
I touched my lips as my cheeks was heating up.

- With Scaramouche -
I'll make sure..
I'll make sure..that boy will stay away from y/n.
I won't let him take her away from me.
She's mine.
I sighed annoyingly as I walked up to Y/n's house.
I looked up and saw the window was open,and quietly climbed up a tall tree and jumped into the window.
I swiftly landed onto my feet,not making any sound.
I quietly tiptoed to Y/n's side as I saw her sleeping peacefully.
Her h/c hair flowing,her beautiful relaxed face..made me want her to just be mine.
Ah...y/'re so perfect..
I won't let you leave me..
Not a chance.

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