The unfinished project

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Your pov:
Today is the day I meet up with Scara.
I feel somewhat nervous.
The dream last night...It felt so real..I—
"Ding!" My phone vibrated,breaking me in my thoughts.
I hummed as I grabbed my phone and clicked the notification.
"Hey,Y/n. What time do you want to meet?"
"Ah...Scara..." I mumbled
Usually I would have a smile on my face whenever Scaramouche texted me,but this's different.
I shook my head as I quickly typed on my screen and replied to Scaramouche.
"I'll meet you there at 10 am."
I sighed as I shut down my phone.
"I guess I should get ready.The cafe is not too least." I mumbled to myself as I walked towards my wardrobe and grabbed my outfit for today.

" I mumbled to myself as I walked towards my wardrobe and grabbed my outfit for today

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(Imagine this is what you are wearing for reference cause I'm too lazy.)
Once I was done changing,I grabbed a small bag and placed my phone inside and left the house.

I had finally reached the cafe.
"Hey." I said.
"Sorry if I made you wait," I said with a small smile.
"It's fine..I guess." Scaramouche said as we walked into the cafe.
We then walked to the counter to get our food/desserts and coffee.

After that,We found a table and took a seat.
"So,Uh..." I said,my voice trailing off.
Scaramouche then frowned.
"Say it properly,Y/N."
"...Is there anything else that we haven't finished yet?I could do the rest,since you did most of the work." I said.
"...Y/N.There is something wrong.Tell me." Scaramouche demanded.
I frowned as I formed two fists with my hands.
"I..had a bad dream last night.And you were in that dream." I said.
"It's probably stupi—" I said
"No,it's not.I would probably be making fun of you right now,but you're not acting yourself.Just tell me." Scaramouche said.
"In the dream,you killed Kazuha.It felt real,Scaramouche." I said as I gulped.
'Not even calling me by my nickname?Ha.'
Scaramouche thought.
"...I wouldn't do that,Y/n.So,don't worry about it." Scaramouche said.
"Y-you're right..Sorry." I said,chuckling.
"After all,Kazuha Isn't dead." Scaramouche reassured me.
'Not yet.' Scaramouche thought.
"Yeah..Ah,let's get back to the project..But thank you,Scara." I said with a smile.
"So,is there anything that I can help with?" I asked.
"You can do this." Scaramouche said as he told me.
I nodded as I worked on the project.

Scaramouche's pov:
She looks pretty cute when she is working.Heh.
It seems I need to get rid of suspicion..after all if She left me,I would have nothing left...nothing at all...
That's why you're mine,Y/N.
Though,I feel like there is more to that dream.

Your pov:
After a few hours,I realized it was getting late.
"Ah,Sorry Scara!It's really late...Well,at least the project is done...!"I said.
Scaramouche chuckled softly as my eyes widened.
"Ah,sorry..." I mumbled.
I swear my face was so red y'all can't even see the difference between a tomato and my face.
His chuckle..
It's so attractive wtf.
"Sorry you should laugh often." I said.
"See you at school!Bye!" I shouted as I ran out the cafe and ran straight home.
I covered my face and I screamed mentally.

Scaramouche's pov:

Your pov:
~Next Day~
It was the next day and I was currently waiting for the bus.
Finally seeing the bus,I quickly got up and got up onto the bus.

Soon,Kazuha and Scaramouche got onto the bus.
I smiled warmly at them and waved.
When the bus stopped,I went to Scaramouche's seat.
"Hey Scara!" I whispered.
"Hey." Scaramouche said.
"Uhm,you know prom right?Uh,would u like to be my prom date..?" I asked.
A noticeable blush creeped onto Scaramouche's cheeks.
I blushed and smiled.
I then quickly left and headed to my seat.

"Scara!Let's walk to class together!" I exclaimed.
Scaramouche smirked and said, "sure."
'Hah,See?My y/n chose me over you.Sucks to be you!' Scaramouche thought.

~At class~
Both Scaramouche and I had reached class.
"Ah,finally!" I shouted as I walked towards my seat and sat down.
Then,someone came into the class.
"Ah,Kazu!You're here!" I exclaimed.
Kazuha chuckled, "Greetings,Y/N."
I giggled softly as Kazuha took his seat.
I quickly got up from my seat,walking to Scaramouche's table leaving Kazuha alone.
"Ah,Scara!Today we are supposed to show our project to the whole class right?" I asked.
"You nervous?"
I laughed softly and smiled.
"You seem to be more happy now,Scara." I said.
Scaramouche blushed and looked away.
"Shut up"
I giggled at his flustered expression.
So he can be cute?
"Y/n!" Someone called.
I hummed in response.
"Oh,R/N!" I exclaimed.
"How is your project?" R/N asked.
"Oh me and my partner finished the project.
It went really well than I expected," I said.
"Good for you,Y/n!" R/N exclaimed.
"Thanks," I said with a smile.
As soon as I heard footsteps,I quickly made my way to my seat.

~Later in class~
The teacher then called the different pairs to come up and show their project until it was me and Scaramouche's turn.
I exhaled as our teacher called our names.
I then stood up and walked in front of the whole class,along with Scaramouche.
"My name is Y/n L/n,and this is Scaramouche. Our project is about...." I said.

"Hey R/N!Let's go to the cafeteria together!" I exclaimed.
R/N nodded her head as we walked down the stairs to the cafeteria.
After some time,we made it to the cafeteria.
My eyes darted to a certain stall.
"Ah thank goodness the stall is not crowded today!" I exclaimed as my face brightened and my a genuine smile appeared on my face.
"R/N,I'll go buy my food now.See you!" I exclaimed as I rushed to the stall.

Soon after,I can back with my favourite food and sat beside R/N.
While eating my food,I glanced around.
I had noticed Scaramouche sitting alone.
"Hey R/N?" I asked.
"Yeah?" R/N replied.
"Would it be okay if my friend joined us?" I asked.
"Of course!" R/N exclaimed.
I then giggled and soon got up from my seat and walked towards Scaramouche.
"What do you want,Y/N?"
"I'm not in the mood right now," Scaramouche said,looking frustrated.
"Join me and my friend for lunch today," I said.
"Let's eat lunch together,Scara." I said with a smile.

Scaramouche's pov:
Weird..My heart is beating?For what?For this foolish girl?I guess I have no choice to accept her offer.After all...

Your pov:
"So?" I asked.
"..Fine." Scaramouche said.
"Yay!" I exclaimed as I grabbed his hand and pulled him up and dragged him to where R/N and I sit.
Scaramouche hesitated,but soon took a seat opposite me.
"Y/n?Who's this boy?" R/N asked.
"Ah,I forgot to introduce you!Sorry,his name is Scaramouche.He is my new friend!And this is my best friend,R/N!I hope you guys be friends!" I exclaimed.
"Nice to meet you,Scaramouche!" R/N exclaimed as she shook Scaramouche's hand.
Scaramouche smiled.
I mean,fake smiled.

Scaramouche's pov:
Friend huh?Didn't think being friend zoned by Y/n would make me feel so hurt.Hah!

Ok.That's the end!
Hope you guys enjoyed!
I apologize if there is any mistake.
Sorry I took so long to post this!
I kinda forgot LMAO
Also,pls comment what the next chapter should be about I am losing my shit rn

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