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Lightningclaw's P.O.V

The war was finally over. Bloodstar's ghost was killed by a Snowpelt and Oakcloud after he vanished away from my fight with him. The prophecy had finally been fulfilled. I could live a normal life again.

Raintail, Adderfoot, Blackstripe, Sootlegs, Spottedwish, and I went out hunting. I went with Spottedwish and Raintail. Spottedwish and I had a race to see how much prey we could gather. I had caught two rabbits, three birds, two mice, and four voles. Spottedwish had caught three rabbits, one bird, four mice, and two voles. We called it a tie and Raintail had caught five birds, two voles, and seven mice. We carried all our prey back to camp. When we got to camp everything seemed,quite, peaceful. I got a bird and sat beside the warrior's stump and ate. It was almost sun-high and decided to go to the Sky tree.

When I got there, there was no one in sight. I scented the air around me and scented no one from my clan. They must all be in camp still eating. I thought as I climbed up the tall tree. I say on the highest, sturdiest, and longest branch. I watched as more cats came out of camp. I thought about the enemies I killed with my own claws. I thought about the deaths the Dark Forest cats caused, including my emotional death. I missed everyone. I don't know what I did to them, but they would never change me because I would stay loyal to my true friends. I didn't care what Spottedwish and Blueheart thought. They could think I'm a fox-hearted fool heh, I wouldn't care. I had all my friends, my real friends. I heard laughter and looked down pulling me from my thoughts.
I saw Blueheart and Spottedwish walk beside each other. The two of them had become best friends and made me a third wheel. I at least had Brackenfur, Raintail, Redclaw, Shreddedtail, Hazeltail, Silverheart, and Snowpelt. I decided to climb down and go to the abandoned twoleg house. I felt something was going on at the Shadowclan border.

I started to run and his in underbrush. I saw that Spottedwish, Blueheart, and Bluecloud had came to the border. Blueheart stood behind them. I couldn't see what they were doing ath e Shadowclan border but I knew it wasn't good.

I wanted to move so I could what it was they were doing but they would hear me and flee.I tried to listen to see if they were talking to someone but they weren't talking to anyone. Blueheart had a large cut across her flank and it was fresh. I turned and saw her collapse to the ground. I ran. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help but Spottedwish and Blueheart would think I would be spying on them. I ran to the Sky Tree. I ran to the river. I ran to the moonpool. I say on the highest ledge and looked into the foggy distance, that was the unknown.

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