Chapter 11

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So I've decided to just call the chapters by numbers so I don't spoil anything. Also I realized I screwed up the prophecy so heres the prophecy: Lightning in a running storm will strike a leopard's scar with sun amber eyes as if this was a wish and let bloodshed come to bring happiness to the clans until a great and powerful darkness comes and ruins it all. Snow and oak will save the clans until fangs and claws fight back to kill happiness.

Snowpelt's P.O.V

I walked to the border we share with Riverclan. A patrol was coming and I decided to remark the border.

"Hey rabbit-chaser what are you doing here?" Blizzardsong growled.

"Same as you Blizzardsong." I snapped back. I saw Lightningclaw, Darkfang, and Silverfang pad up behind me.

"Hey Snowpelt are these guys arguing with the borders again?" Darkfang asked. i nodded and unsheathed. my claws.

"Blizzardsong lets just go we don't need to start a fight every time we come here." A grey she-cat meowed to the Blizzardsong.

"Silverheart stay out of this. Windclan should leave they already remarked their side." Blizzardsong snapped back. The she-cat nodded and turned looking away.

"Fine we'll leave after we hunt in the forest." Lightningclaw growled.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Trust me I have a plan." She whispered back.

We padded to the forest and waited in the trees until we heard Blizzardsong say, "Good now that they are gone lets hunt some rabbits."

"Blizzardsong thats stealing prey and thats against the warrior code, so if you guys are hunting in their territory I'm leaving the patrol."

"Fine Flamepaw, Rainjaw, Fernstorm, Twanypaw, Toadmist, and Swiftpaw will hunt here. Go back to camp!"

She growled and ran back to the direction of their camp.

"What's the plan?" Darkfang asked.

"We are going to leap on them and then we fight. If they have been stealing our food then we have to fight back." Ligtningclaw replied.

She was great with words because no one argued. We started to go done the tree and leaped onto the Riverclan cats. We were strongly outnumbered but we could take them. I leaped at Toadmist but Swiftpaw grabbed my back leg. I hissed and clawed Swiftpaw's nose. He jumped back and went for my throat. I ducked and clawed her underbelly. She yowled and collapsed to the ground. I wanted to help her but she wasn't in my clan. My mind was spinning. Should I help or shouldn't I.

I looked at Lightningclaw and she was fighting Blizzardsong. I decided to take Swiftpaw away from the fighting and go after Blizzardsong. I landed on top of her and clawed her flank. She hissed and she started to flee and so did the rest of the patrol. After the border was clear I saw Swiftpaw still laying on the ground. They forgot their own clan-mate? I Went over and she was still bleeding. I picked her up by the scruff and hurried to our medicine cat den.

"Why are you bringing this Riverclan- oh I see set her over there and I'll take care of her."

I nodded and went to my nest.


"Hey wake up Snowpelt."


"Whiskerstar wants to speak with you."

"Did you fight Swiftpaw?"


"Her wounds are healing and thanks for bringing her home."

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