Chapter 18

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Thank you so much for reading my story and getting 429 reads. :) Thanks for telling other people you are making me so excited to keep typing this series. Thank you Warriors of all clans. Enjoy the chapter :D

Snowpelt's P.O.V

It's been five moons since we were exiled from Windclan. I saw Lionblaze, a Thunderclan warrior, being guarded by two Shadowclan warriors. I also saw warriors guarding me and a silver and grey she-cat being guarded as well. I tried to stand but my leg was in pain. I looked at my back leg and saw that it was bleeding and no one would do anything. When I looked back at Lionblaze a black tom walked in the way and sat right in front of him. He started to talk to Lionblaze and when they were done they both had scratches on them but Lionblaze had more. The tom went over to the she-cat and they fought just like Lionblaze did and she was bleeding badly on her face and flank. He started coming over to me but a black she-cat came up to him and he started to follow her. It didn't look like Darkfang but she looked like my sister, Lightningclaw. She shot me a warning glance with her bright amber eyes and knew it was her. Her golden stripe was gone though. She must have used mud to hide her stripe. A silver tom leaped out of the shadows and clawed the cats gaurding me.

I raced over to Lionblaze and clawed the cats gaurding him. Lionblaze jumped and landed on one of them. He clawed his flank and yowled at the silver she-cat. She nodded and leaped over the Shadowclan warriors. Lightningclaw had returned with the tom on her tail. I started to run but fell when my leg twisted. Lightningclaw ran over and grabbed my scruff and someone else grabbed my legs so they wouldn't drag. They raced out of the Shadowclan's camp and went to the moonpool. Everyone looked exhausted and the silver she-cat had followed us. I was ready to lay down and take a nap but they saved us we had to talk.

"Thanks you guys."

"No problem sis, oh and you remember Darkfang and Silverclaw right?" She said pointing at the silver tom and another black she-cat.

When I heard her name I growled and bared my fangs. Silverclaw and Darkfang were traitors to the warrior code all together. Why were they helping my sister more or less why are they even here?

"Its ok Snowpelt they are in the prophecy we got when we were kits. And we think you're apart of the prophecy as well."

That made sense because Lightningclaw was in the prophecy and we are sisters.

"Make sense but since we're all full blood Windclan cats maybe the other cats from the prophecy are from the other three clans?"

"Maybe but we need find them soon the Dark Forest will be rising soon. We need to hurry."

We nodded and the grey she-cat asked, "Can help in anyway?"

"Of course you can Silverheart. Can you warn the other clans that the Dark Forest is rising and the clans will be destroyed if we don't do something soon. Even warn the Shadowclan warrior, Lionfrost, he is only alivie from listening to Death but he's scared out of his mind." Lighningclaw said.

She nodded. Lightningclaw led us to the lake and we cleaned our wounds. After that we planned to meet at the moonpool every claw moon. I followed Lightningclaw into Thunderclan territory. Lightningclaw hunted before we went into camp. I hunted but only caught one squirrel. As we walked into camp Bramblestar greeted us. He was a muscular dark brown tabby with amber eyes. A she-cat was walking behind him and she smiled at Lightningclaw. She was a dark ginger she-cat and had green eyes and a white paw. Lightningclaw went over to the fresh-kill pile and set her prey down. She nodded and I set my squirrel down.

Lightningclaw's P.O.V

"Lightningclaw this is your sister Snowpelt, correct?"

"Yes this is my sister Snowpelt."

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