Chapter 16

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I just realized that I screwed up the chapter numbers sorry guys :| So this is chapter 16 NOT 14 again sorry about that

Silverclaw's P.O.V

After the night I helped Lightningclaw get the prey to her new temporary home I felt different about her. Her pelt shimmered in the moonlight. Her bright and firey amber eyes sparkle in the moonlight and sunlight. What am I doing she's in Thunderclan now we're enemies. I can't be mooning over her. I walked into camp after my patrol with Whiskerstar, Darkmoon, and Nightstrike. Whiskerstar was still pretty sure that his kits had betrayed us and was ready to attack them as if they weren't even family. On our way back we saw something moving in the bushes but it was only a squirrel. Something else in the bush grabbed the squirrel and killed it. A black cat with vey dark amber eyes came out the squirrel was dead and hanging from his mouth. The cat had a gem hanging around his neck and it was blood red with lighter red making swirls in the gem.

I looked at the gem and it showed Lightningclaw, the she-cat I love, attack and kill me. I shook my head but nothing happened that scene just kept on playing in my mind when the cat spoke in a deep voice, "Love is not the way join us and help us kill the clans." My head started to swirl and I saw the cat again. I fell to the ground and started to breath very hard. I looked up and the cat had his paw on top of my head. His claws started to seep into my head. I couldn't move someone was holding my back legs. I started to panick I was as good as dead if I couldn't get free. Everyone else was on the ground feeling the same pain. I stammered, "Le..let us go." Before he could reply I saw a black pelt claw his head and he stumbled back. I slowly got up and saw Darkfang fighting the black rogue. I had to help her but I had to help my leader. I raced over to Whiskerstar and clawed the cat on the back and flank. He raced off to help Darkmoon and Nightstrike. I saw Darkfang laying on the ground and her head and underbelly was bleeding heavily. I raced over to her and saw that the tom was gone and he left a trail of blood behind Darkfang. She looked up and smiled. She laid her head down again and her breathing started to shallow. I laid down beside her but I didn't know what to do. I started to lick her wounds but that didn't seem to help. I saw the other rogues race past me and then I heard Whiskerstar growling I growled back and stood up.

"She brought him here to kill us leave her."

"She may have tried to kill us but she didn't hurt us if she didn't come we would be dead." I snapped.

"Fine bring her to the medicine cat's den and once she's healed she's leaving."

I nodded and picked her up and raced away to the medicine cat's den and I thought about what he had said "Love is not the way join us and help us kill the clans." I shook my head and set her inside Flowerrunner's den. He growled but I explained what happened and he mended her wounds. I stayed beside her after he finished but I was worried about her. I prayed to Starclan, "Please Starclan I know she's done bad things before, but it was my fault please give her a second chance." I murmured.

She twitched in her sleep and I saw her eyes open slowly. She smiled and licked my ear. "I'm sorry Silverclaw for everything I've done to you. I shouldn't have planned with Clawstar. I'm sorry."

"It's ok Darkfang I forgive you. Please don't hurt yourself when you leave. I'll never forgive myself if you got hurt."

She smiled and growled, "They want me dead don't they? They think I have a plan to get rid of them. I do have a plan." She smiled smugly. I got up slowly and backed outside of the den. She said, "The clans will fall and Starclan will disappear or bow to the paws of the Dakr Forest. The clans will have to fight for survival but they sshouldn't because we have a secret cat on our side. She'll join us or all the ones she loves will die including you."

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