Warriors at last

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Snowpaw's P.O.V

Today was the day; the day I would become a warrior with Lightningpaw. I never got to talk to Lightningpaw in the forest because of the badger incident. I acted like a coward and never got to thank her for saving me. I looked up from my prey and heard a loud yowl. I looked at Lightningpaw and she had her claws out and her ears back looking ready for an ambush; she yowled as loud as I have heard, "Thunderclan is coming I see them from the border!" I looked over and saw a large group of cats. I looked at the camp and all the Shadowclan cats were making a defense line and then I saw something I didn't expect. Lightningpaw was stalking forward into the line. The Shadowclan cats were attacking and I saw Lightningpaw tackle a tom. I leaped into battle and I was tackled by a brown tom; I hissed and clawed his flank. "Tell your sister that I will get my revenge on her and her family. She will pay for giving me my name, Scarface." He clawed my side, ears and leg, but before I blacked out I saw a black pelt

Lightningpaw's P.O.V

I raced over to a Shadowclan apprentice and tackled him. The Shadowclan cats were shocked. I weaved around them all so they would get confused. I looked up and I saw a flurry of pelts. The one I remember was a gray tom's pelt. Rainpaw's pelt. I turned around and a Shadowclan apprentice slashed at my throat but I tripped over a root so the attacked landed on my shoulder. "I knew you had a plan all along rabbit chaser!" The tom clawed my leg but I counterattacked with a blow to his eyes. "Grr!" He growled shocked. He finally stood up all the way but when he did I found out I was fighting Bloodstar, leader of Shadowclan! My heart almost leaped out of my chest but then I saw a golden pelt flash above me and sink his claws into Bloodstar's back. He growled trying to fling him off. "You aren't going to harm this apprentice, until you go through me!" He yowled. I wanted to run but I couldn't leave him so I clawed at his legs. He yelped and threw off the golden tom. I looked at him and I thought it was Lionear but he was in Starclan. Then I realized it was a former Shadowclan warrior Lionfrost. "Grrr I thought you were dead! Well let's see to that." He growled leaping at him. I had to do something fast. I raced over to Bloodstar's tail and bit it as hard as I could. He turned around and looked at me with blood thirsty eyes. I growled as loud as I could and he turned around not interested in me like I was a kit. I was angry now. I leaped onto of him and looked for the claw marks Lionfrost made and dug my claws into the same spots. He yelped and hissed but he couldn't get me off.

He collapsed to the ground I let go to see everyone staring at Lionfrost and I. Every cat looked to shocked to speak. I turned around and saw that Bloodstar w.......was loosing a life. "He only has 1 life left." a old dark tom spoke up. "Shadeclaw why would you tell ALL the clans that? Your making us look weak." Clawheart the Shadowclan deputy cried. "I told them because the only reason we are all alive is because you kept us going. All we were doing was fighting for food like we were fools and he never went to Starclan to receive his 9 lives. He went to the Dark Forest; he never got his 9 lives instead he took the souls of old cats to be in him and they were his "9 lives". The Dark Forest cats didn't care because they are training new cats to rise up and become stronger, he said glaring straight at me. "We need a strong leader who obeys the warrior code and respects Starclan. We don't want a blood thristy leader who kills to win his battles. Please Clawheart we need you to rebuild Shadowclan." All the cats murmured and Clawheart made her decision. " I will be your leader Shadowclan. Hey Lionfrost if you wish to rejoin then you are welcome too." She said turning to Lionfrost and I. "I would love to join again thank you." He replied. "Also all the cats that were under Shadowclan rule may return to their homes we will obey the borders now." Clawheart addressed all the cats. Everyone cheered and then Whiskerstar spoke up. "Thank you Clawheart. We will hope to be seein you at gatherings." She nodded and her clan followed her back to their camps. Everyone left except for Rainpaw. "The plan worked well." He said as blood trickled down his nose. "Yea well I better go because I bet every leader will make their apprentices warriors. Bye Rainpaw." I said licking his scratch. He purred and bounded away. When he left I decided to go look for Snowpaw. I looked all around camp but couldn't find her. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Wind rock for a clan meeting." Whiskerstar yowled. I glanced over at Runningflower, our medicine cat, and noticed how old he looks. Maybe I should become a medicine cat. "Today we have seen four apprentices fight for their clan no matter what it took for Windclan's survival. All the warriors and apprentices worked together to protect the clan and I would like to thank everyone. Lightningpaw, Snowpaw, Darkpaw, and Silverpaw please step forward." As Darkpaw, Silverpaw, and I stepped forward Runningflower yowled a warning.

Enjoy the rest of the story :)

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