All alone is the abyss prince

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3rd Person POV:
"Kaeya!" Jean called from her desc as the cavalry captain was about to walk out. He turned around awaiting a response.

"Yes Jean? If you are about to ask about the paperwork that you gave me earlier, its already over and done with" Kaeya replied, smiling.

"No, it's simply that I would like you to stop drinking, I feel as if it might take a toll on your mental health as well as physical. You are also one of my closest friends, so I want to make sure that you are ok."

"...As you wish"

He hesitated before he replied which made Jean worry even more, the overworked Acting Grand Master had enough on her mind already without having to worry about Kaeya. Kaeya was worried if he could keep the promise that he just made to his friend.

Can you ever do anything right?

He continued walking through the Knights of Favonious Headquarters.

Why ignore me now? Im the only one you have left.

He waved to Sara at 'Good Hunter' and continued walking.


You cant even listen to your only friend

Is she even your friend?

She's pitying you


Kaeya was at Windrise now. How did he get here so fast? That didn't matter, what did matter is the fact that he just screamed at himself to 'stop' in front of a Statue of The Seven. He probably looked crazy, he did look crazy, luckily, there wasn't anyone watching. Kaeya sighed and sat down on one of the steps next to the statue, he hated this. The fact that the only way to solve his problems was to drink them away, probably embarrassing himself while he was drunk. He knew that he had no-one to talk to or confide in, he messed up his relationship with his brother long ago, his 'friends' Rosaria and Venti were only his drinking buddies and anyone at The Knights of Favonious were his coligues and coligues only. There was a certain blonde alchemist that the captain had been crushing on but it didn't cross his mind that he might like him back. So, there he was, sitting on a step next to a statue, contemplating his life decisions with a voice in his head. Its only Monday. How was he supposed to survive a week of this without alcohol? Kaeya was still deep in his thoughts as steps came from behind him, he didn't notice them though. They came closer until the alchemist, known as Albedo, came up infront of him.

"Sir Kaeya?"

Kaeya snapped out of his trance and looked up to face the beautiful blonde.
"Oh hello Albedo, I didn't notice you" He put on his normal flirtatious smile as Albedo looked worriedly at him.

"Are you alright? You have seemed to be really out of focus over the past few days that I have been here." Albedo said as Kaeya stood up, trying to stop the blush crawling up his neck at the thought of the alchemist worrying about him.

"Im completely fine! I must have worked up a scare though, seen as someone as closed off as you are worrying about me~"
Albedo went a pink at the cavalry captain's words.

"You are just very important to the city, no one would want anything bad happening to you" Albedo quickly answered going redder by the second.

"Oh yes, I wanted to ask if you are still available for helping me with my studies on Wednesday?" Albedo asked, his face calming a little.

"I am in fact! Cant wait to see you then, Bedo~" and with that Kaeya walked off. Albedo was planning to tell Kaeya how he really felt about him on that day, and if he declines, a little memory loss wouldn't hurt him.


Kaeya hurried off, leaving Albedo behind as he made his way to the tavern.

Oh wait, no alcohol.

He thought to himself, so he changed his route to go to his house. He walked along the quiet evening streets of Mondstadt, taking in the fresh air. It was nice, maybe he should get out more for his own leisure now that he was ever so childishly banned from alcohol by Master Jean, he knew that she meant well, it was just that this wont end well for Kaeya himself if he doesn't try to find some other pass-time.

He soon got to his small village house, it was nothing much, simple interior on the quiet side of the city. It was in the oposite direction of the tavern, so Kaeya didn't come here often, only to sleep, and even that has become a stranger to him. If you really look at it, the basic look of the house looks similar to the setup of The Dawn Winery, vines creeping on the outskirts of the windows, a large fireplace with a small iron guard in front of it. There were some wooden  shelves hanging on the walls, mostly holding dust, but there were some books on one of them. That reminded him, he needs to return those books to Lisa soon or Barbatos knows what she will do...

He continued walking through the house to go up some stairs to his bedroom. Again, it was simple, but cosy. There was a small fireplace against one of the walls for warmth and a four poster bed was in the the corner, neatly made and annoyingly cold. Kaeya lit the fireplace with a flint and steel that he had on a shelf and took his boots, jacket and corset off before placing his vision on the bedside table. He rolled into bed and pulled the warmer covers over himself. The soft, light blue glow emitted from his vision was surprisingly calming as he lulled to a comfortable sleep.

969 words!
(Yes I did that on purpose)
Not bad for my fist book if I do say so myself! I hope you all had fun reading this! 🥳

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