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Sorry for the long wait on the next chapter. I never expected this book to get so many views so thank you guys so much! Also the update pace will probably be a lot slower and the writing style might change throughout the book, I apologise for any inconveniences. 


3rd Person POV:

"Is he ok?" A worried voice questioned another.
"I think so, he just needs rest" The other replied.
Kaeya groaned, a burning sensation ran through his body (one he found far too familiar), especially his side were he recalled he was burned. He opened his eyes to find that he was in his house? The sick and injured are supposed to be in the church, no?
"Sir Kaeya! You're awake"
"What... happened?" He asked, tiredness soaking through his already aching limbs and an odd sense of dejavú racking his brain.
"You were attacked by an abyss mage, it burned through your clothes and you then passed out."

Kaeya finally faced towards the two people next to him. Barbara and Albedo. His head hurt like hell and unchanged bandages were wrapped around his torso and forehead. Everything was a bit of a haze to him, even after being told about being attacked. A breeze blew on his bare stomach and he seethed in pain as the burn was brushed.
"Why am I in my house? The church is were the injured are supposed to be..." The end of Kaeya's sentence slurred a little as he bit back another hiss of pain.
" have been unconscious for some days now Sir Kaeya, we had to move you out of the church as you may have been more comfortable here" Barbra replied, worry in her tone and hands intertwined in anxiety.
A short silence hung between the three. That was until Kaeya began to shuffle to the side of his bed to get up. Albedo out a restraining but gentle hand on his shoulder.
"You need to rest, Kaeya" He said, worry also finely laced in his tone.
"What about my duties? Jean has probably not only been worried sick about me, but she has most likely been completing all of my duties while I was unconscious."

More silence.

"I have had my rest. At the very least, let me go to see Jean to inform her about my current state" Kaeya asked, although, it was more of a command.
"We-I still need to know if you're ok Kaeya. I've been worried sick as well as the other knights and poor Bennet has been blaming himself over the accident, at least let Miss Barbra have one more check-up on how you are healing." Albedo replied, his brow was furrowed with slight annoyance at Kaeya's insistence.
"All the more reason to get back to work as soon as possible!" Kaeya beamed, it was clear that his facade was coming back into play.
"Please Mister Kaeya" Barbra cut in, making her tone extra childish to persuade Kaeya.
"...Fine, only because you asked so nicely." Kaeya put on a pouty face that made Albedo giggle.


507 words.

I apologise for the short chapter and how late its been, I truly never expected this to get so many views! Hopefully this makes my motivation get higher, again the writing style and characters may have changed so I will probably make another headcannon chapter next

-The Author <3

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