At The Meeting

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I started writing this almost instantly after the last chapter lol.

T/W: swearing, mentions of murder.


3rd Person POV (Following Kaeya):

Once Kaeya and Albedo arrived at Jean's office, the meeting started almost immediately. Jean, Lisa, Diluc, Kaeya, the traveler, Paimon, Venti and Albedo were there.

"I understand that some of us are not on good terms right now, but this is an extremely urgent matter." Jean said while leaning on her desk, her eyes shifting to Kaeya, then Diluc.

"Jean, sorry for interrupting, but why must I be here during this ever so important meeting?" Venti asked, he sounded a bit drunk to Albedo, but he shrugged it off.

"This is your nation Barbatos, even if you are the god of freedom, you still need to know what happens here-" Jean said but she was interrupted.

"Im sorry what? Venti, the drunken bard, is Lord Barbatos?" Kaeya asked, his tone was neutral, but Albedo could see him clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white. Albedo was furious as well, standing in the same room as the person that destroyed your homeland can have that effect on people.

"Yes, I am Barbatos, the archon of anemo and the god of freedom!" Venti said, smiling happily, he clearly didn't notice the two angry Khaenrian people glaring at him.

"Is something wrong, Keaya?" Diluc asked, he was glaring at Kaeya now, he knew how much the prince hated the archons.

"Oh no, its nothing Master Diluc" Kaeya said through grit teeth, his blue eye shifting from Venti to Diluc.

"Now that the introduction is over, I must address the thing that I brought you all here for" Jean said, all eyes averting back to her, all eyes apart from Kaeya and Albedo of corse, they were still staring at Venti, their hatred for the bard slowly unmasking itself.

"It has been brought to my attention, that there is a traitor working with the Abyss Order, working at the Knights of Favonious."

"Fuck" Kaeya whispered under his breath, just loud enough for Albedo could hear.

Shocked looks spread across the office. But three remained straight faced. Albedo, Kaeya and Diluc. Kaeya glared at Diluc, his eye filled with so much hate, the red-head flinched a little. He didn't realise how scary Kaeya could be.

"H-how is that possible?" Paimon piped up.

"Im not sure, does anyone know who it might be?" Jean asked.

"Perhaps someone who works in the lower ranks, but high enough that they can know what most of the operations are about." Albedo said, all eyes looked at him and he shifted nervously.

"Maybe its someone higher up, they might have made their way up the ranks recently" Lisa suggested, her emerald green eyes scanning the room.

"Perhaps it's someone in this room." Diluc stated.

"Paimon thinks that this is a ton of nonsense!" She started, "what if the Abyss order spread this rumour to make everyone on edge, so that we couldn't trust anyone, then they could just attack Mondstadt while its vulnerable!"

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