An Ingured Prince

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This might be uploaded late so sorry for that, but either way, I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D
(Also, I liked some of the Kaeya art I found, so I put it in the chapter!)

T/W: swearing, sickness, fighting, dislocations, death.

3rd person POV (Following Kaeya):

"Ughh" Kaeya groaned. It was Tuesday today, one day away from doing some work with Albedo. Usually, Kaeya would be ready to get up and start his knightly duties by now, but today was different. And although he himself would never admit it, Kaeya was sick, not your usual little cold though, as he will soon find out...

Kaeya rolled over on his bed to face the ceiling, his hand covering his boiling forehead.

"Why do I have to be sick today? Why not next week or never again!" He groaned angrily, Kaeya had to get up for work soon so he could fit some extra commissions in for today to make up for tomorrow, he couldn't have a sick day if he wasn't going in tomorrow either!

His half lidded, tired eyes shut again and he drifted off to a light sleep.


He was running, he didn't know were he was going, but he knew what he was running from. The archons.

They were destroying his home, killing his people, he needed to run. Get out of the city. Go to another region, were the archons reined. Inazuma? No contact and its too far away. Liyue? No, the archon would know who he was. Mondstadt! Its archon isn't there and its close to Khaenri'ah.






Kaeya woke up, sweating and gasping for breath. He was cold. So cold. His dream was about his home land, Khaenri'ah, why? He didn't know. It wasn't a dream, more of a memory, he remembered running away when he was a child. The towns were in flames, covered in red cubes and the archons were just there. Letting it happen. Keaya hated them for that, he always will.

It was around 9am now, he had been asleep for only a few hours. Kaeya figured that, since he was sick and just had one of the worst nightmares of his life, he would take the day off. He needed to leave his house though, if Jean came knocking on his door because of him not being at work, finding him in this state wouldn't be ideal for his facade. Kaeya always had to fake his smile, I mean, who would be happy if your entire civilisation was destroyed mercilessly by those you look up to and worship?

He shifted to a sitting position on the side of his bed, he regretted it though as a wave of dizziness rattled through his head and made him fall backwards with his head back on the blankets.

"Ow- why today?" Kaeya asked frustratedly to no one in particular.

He, slowly, got back up on the side of the bed and used one of the posts to hoist himself up on his feet. He still felt a bit dizzy, but not enough to colapse on the floor. Kaeya carefully walked to the mirror in the corner of his bedroom and looked at himself (don't even think about it), his eye bags were more prominent than ever, his hair was a mess, his shirt was soaked with sweat and he looked like a mess overall. 'Ok, one shower and im outa here' . Kaeya thought to himself.

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