Brothers Redemtion

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Thank you guys so much for getting this book to 100 views! Im so happy that some people like the work that I have a lot of fun making, and with that said...

Onto this chapter!

T/W: fighting, description of blood, fainting.

3rd person POV (Following Diluc):

"How?" Lisa asked.

"Im not sure, but we-I was so rude and accusing to Kaeya. I want to say sorry, but as they say, actions speak louder than words."

"Are we going to ignore that he was from Khaenri'ah?" Paimon asked.

"Last Paimon heard of them, they were evil and had no god or anything!" She was louder now, her small body floating next to the traveler.

Diluc walked towards Paimon and grabbed her by the scruff of her clothing at her neck.

"Do. Not. Talk. About. My. Brother. Like. That." Diluc said, his vision glowing and heat emitted from his fingertips.

"Diluc!" Jean said, looking shocked at how aggressive Master Diluc was being.

"Ok ok! Paimon agrees!" She hurriedly said, tears threatening to stream down her rosy cheeks.

Diluc let go of her and walked back to were he was standing. He continued to glare at Paimon, it was more of a death stare, because if she did say anything about Kaeya, he would not hesitate to attack.

"Diluc, why did you do that?!" Jean said, still shook.

"Did you hear what she just said?! Paimon here, just insulted your supposed friend, and you stand there doing nothing but stare? Kaeya is my brother. Even if I may not have acted like it before, does not mean that I would just watch someone insult him and his entire nation." Diluc said, he was angry at Kaeya sure, but they had both been through a lot, but unlike Diluc, Kaeya had no one to talk to.

"No thats not what I-" Jean started.

"Save it, for now, lets talk about how to help Kaeya." He interrupted, he wanted to dwell on what was important, not petty arguments.

"What if we all apologise separately, and after, we can do something that is special to Kaeya and us as the action." The traveler suggested, Diluc thought that it was a good idea, after all, he already had the perfect idea for it.

"That sounds good, im not sure what I can do with him though." Lisa said.

"Afternoon tea perhaps..." she mumbled under her breath.

"I want to do a domain with him, I know that he has always loved the thrill of battle." The traveler said, they looked happier now that they were coming to a solution.

"What are you planning, Diluc?" The traveler asked.

"...I wish to go somewhere special with him." He answered simply.

"Lets go then!" Jean said, her face was still stained with dry tears, but she was happier now.


Diluc had spent the next day cleaning Kaeyas old bedroom in the Dawn Winery and setting up the beach near Starfell Lake as his apology plan. He wanted to say sorry for what he had done in the past as well as the more recent wrongdoings.

Soon enough, Kaeya's bedroom was clear of all dust and clutter, it was as tidy as the other rooms and Diluc liked it that way. He had always liked keeping things organised, perhaps running a large business does that to you...

By 2pm, the beach was clear of any monster camps and litter, he Diluc was highly efficient when it came to cleaning and he had the rest of the day free, he didn't even have a shift at The Angles Share today. Diluc decided to take a stroll, the afternoon air distracted him from all of his troubles and problems. It was calming to hear the breeze against the bushes and trees or the sound of a hilichurlian horn.



Diluc turned around to see a wave of hilichurls with flaming bats coming at him, closely followed by two mitachurls welding metal axes and a couple of cryo abyss mages coming close behind them.

"Not now-" Diluc mumbled under his breath as a mitachurl charged at him.

He dodged the clumsy attack easily but narrowly avoided the icicles thrown at him by the abyss mages. Diluc drew his claymore and swung it at three hilichurls, they fell to the ground and disintegrated into red dust and Diluc moved on to the other seven hilichurls that were ganging up on him.

He swung his sword again, but this time to the ground to send an impact to stun the hilichurls, it worked and Diluc was able to set his sword on fore and swing it at them. All seven dropped to the ground, turning into dust.

Now for the mages and mitachurls.

Diluc jumped back as the two mitachurls charged at him, axes swung at him. He blocked the axes with his sword but he was pushed to the ground, were the abyss mages made shards of needle-sharp icicles fall on him. Diluc hissed in pain as one of them went straight through his arm.

Diluc rolled backwards and stumbled back onto his feet. A mitachurl swung its axe at him again and it landed on Diluc's stomach, cutting through his clothing. He screamed in pain as spots blurred his vision. The cryo mages struck at him with icicles again and a chill ran through his body. Diluc couldn't hold himself up any longer, he collapsed once more as he saw a flash of cryo and geo. Bleeding out, Diluc lost conciseness.


919 words.

Sorry for not uploading yesterday and the short chapter today, but I will get on writing the next one right now! :D

- Just Some Monarch.

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