Brothers Redemption (2)

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Hello everyone! As per usual, I hope that you enjoy this chapter and have a good day/night! :) (I could not think of any other title for the life of me, so I just made a part two of the one before lol).

T/W: violence, injury , fighting.

3rd Person POV (following Kaeya):

Kaeya ran out of the office with Albedo, tears crawling down his cheeks and a thin sheet of frost trailing behind him, he just wanted to leave and go home.

You messed up again.

I know.

Why cant you do anything right?

I don't know.

You don't know anything.

This seems like an unproductive and unnecessary conversation.


"Kaeya?" Albedo interrupted his mental argument.

"Y-yeah?" He answered shakily.

"Want to go inside or stay out for a bit?" He asked, Kaeya realised that they were at his house. He took out his keys and fumbled with them before opening the door.

Albedo sat down on the sofa and patted the spot next to him for Kaeya to sit on. Kaeya went to sit down and he locked the door behind him. Once he sat down with Albedo, he placed his head on Albedo's lap.

"I-is this ok?" He asked, small tears still slipping out of his eyes.

Albedo leant down and kissed Kaeya's forehead.

"Of corse, my prince," He sat back up and gently ran his hand through Kaeya's hair, trying to ease his own and Kaeya's throbbing heart.

"Im sorry for what happened today." Kaeya said, sadness dominating his apology.

"Why are you sorry?" Albedo asked, he was concerned for Kaeya, he was blaming himself and that was never a good thing...

"I just feel...I feel like its my fault and you got dragged into it and-"

Kaeya was interrupted by Albedo covering his mouth with his finger and dragging Kaeya's body into a deep hug. Kaeya shifted into a more confortable position and he melted into the hug, burying his head in the crook of Albedo's neck. Albedo felt Kaeya go limp on top of him when he realised that Kaeya had fallen asleep on top of him.

Some time after, Albedo had also fallen asleep and the two were curled up on the sofa, cradling each other in their arms.


Kaeya awoke and he was on top of Albedo's lap.

He is so cute when he sleeps.

He thought to himself, he then realised what he was thinking and blushed furiously. Albedo woke up quietly to see a very red Kaeya Alberich laying on his lap.

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