Part 1

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A hectic holiday if there was one, what with your three kids in tow and in the city. New York of all places.

A country girl by birth, the city had never held allure. But your piece of shit ex had sworn he could get you all ahead of the rat race, had sworn your futures were in the city, had been so convincing and passionate.

That you'd followed him.

And what'd that bastard do? Ditch you with your youngest only 6 weeks old for some older chick who, if you were being honest, didn't hold a candle to you.

But the years hadn't been unkind to your tenacity. 6 years later and you were a medical assistant working towards your nursing degree. The hospital you were hired at just a mile or so from your apartment.

The trick-or-treating between there and home had been horrendously successful. The boys dragging their pillowcases of candy, complaining of the weight.

"We'll be home in a minute." You sighed, switching the heavy foam bat of your costume from one shoulder to the other so you could switch your youngest's candy to the other hand. "The fuck's in here?" You muttered, voice muffled by the half oni mask, looking down at his Captain America clad face. "Rocks?!"

He giggled, "No, mom." Exasperated as a six year old could be. "It's cand-"

A meow. Faint. The whole group stopped in their tracks. Another meow turning your attention to the poorly lit alley.

"Mom." Your oldest set his candy by your feet.

"Don't-" you tried, but another mew had him transfixed.

"A cat?" Your middle son followed his older brother into the alley, hope in his voice.

"Boys!" Alarm made your blood spike, heart pick up pace.

But your youngest was tugging on your hand so you scooped up the discarded bag of candy and followed your sons into the alley, bathed by the dim light by the back door of the one stop shop.

Another meow summoning the kids further into the alley, away from the passing by crowd.


A scattering noise made you flinch, a shadow passed overhead.

Stupidly you jerked your gaze upwards. And it was then, when you were distracted, that the men emerged from behind dumpsters, inside of shadows.

Immediately the boys gathered around you. Instinctively you pushed them back, arms branched out as though you could do anything against five men.

"Hey kiddos." A toothy grin from one as the others chuckled. "We won't hurt ya." He shrugged, motioning to the others now trying to surround you. "We're just a little hungry. A little thirsty." His voice dropped as he caught your gaze. "Just hand us your money."

"M-money?" You motioned to try and show you had nothing, "I didn't bring any money trick or treating, are you dense?"

That was not the right thing to say.

"Don't," ground out between clenched teeth. "Play coy with me, bitch. Who brings three kids out and doesn't fucking bring any money."

They were close now, too close. You spared a glance behind you. Just yards away from the street. From people, witnesses, safety.

You could taste your stomach in your mouth, feel your heartbeat in your ears.

With a grunt you swung the candy bags, nailing the ringleader in the face. It bought you a moment. Just enough time.

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