Part 2

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It really had only taken ten minutes.

But the ride had been a whirlwind, tucked against Leo princess style. Leaping and running. It wasn't jostling, per se. But not comfortable either. You were sure, by the time you pointed to your building and shouted 'it's there' too loudly in the turtle man's ear, the both of you were grateful to have reached the end of your journey.

Feet planted on the ground, Leo lowering you slowly. You stumbled a little putting weight on your left leg. Your hip was singing.

"Mother fucker." You hissed, grip tightening on Leo's forearms.

"I-" He hesitated looking around. "I'll help you up the stairs."

You frowned, testing your leg. It was the joint. Ligaments? Tendons?

"Hmm?" His voice hummed into the night, looking for a response.

"Ah." You looked at him, shifting quickly away when your eyes met. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Please?"

You felt him nod as he shifted you around to his side, letting you use him as a crutch while you both made your way to the second floor at a painfully slow speed.

You sighed in relief as you reached the landing, pretty sure you heard the turtle man do the same.

"Uh." You moved away, fell against the wall. "Thank you." You looked up at him. "I-I mean it."

"No problem." He chuckled, arms folding over his... chest? You weren't sure. You didn't know anything about turtle anatomy. "You aren't the first person we've rescued. Won't be the last."

That caught your attention. He must have seen the question on your face. He ducked his head, shifted a little. "There was a big bad a few years back. A couple other life as you know it ending events we've prevented in the meantime."

"What?" It came out sharper than you meant it, his eyes snapped up, relaxing when he saw the shock on your face. "Really?"

He shrugged, looking over his shoulder. "Will you..." he rubbed at his head. "You know. Be okay?"

"No work tomorrow." You pushed off the wall, testing your leg. Nope. Agony seared up your left side. "I'll try to rest."

"Have dad take care of the kids." Leo's voice was serious.

You couldn't help but laugh. "No dad." And it dawned on you suddenly. "Wait... kids?" Brows furrowed as your gaze pinned him. "How long were you guys just watching?" You never mentioned your kids to him, them.


He froze. Inhaled deep. "It wasn't like that."

"Oh." Your voice dripped with disdain. "Then what was it?"

"We-" He swallowed hard. "We don't just reveal ourselves." Hand rubbed his arm. "Not after-" he cut himself off. "It took a bit of convincing." He finished.

You felt your jaw go slack. The disbelief flooding you. "I-" you scoffed. "I don't even know what to say. You watched me get mugged?"

Leo winced. "We made sure the kids got home." He offered weakly.

That was the final straw. "Cool." You snapped. "Great, thanks." Adding insult to injury you felt Leo watch you hobble to the front door.

You could hear your kids on the other side. Relief flooded you. You pressed your forehead to the door, took a deep, cleansing breath as you rationalized.

They did save you. They made sure your kids got home safe. They made sure you got home safe. You pulled back.

"I'm-" turned to look at the creature in blue who'd rescued you. But he was gone. "Sorry." The word came out flat.

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