Part 13

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You free tonight?

You looked at the text, chewing on your lip. You wanted to be free. You wanted to hang out. To be near him.

I can make time. You responded, not as sure as the text sounded. It had been a week since you'd last seen one another and, despite the texts, phone calls, and video chats, you missed Leo.

Between getting the kids fed, to bed, and-

"Hey!" Your coworker nudged you, motioning to the computer screen. "It looks like your last vaccinations of the night arrived early. Want me to grab them?"

You set your phone back down. "Nah!" You smiled, tapping your hands in a pattern on the desk before standing. "I got it." You hesitated, looking across the desk at your doctor. "Since they're our last patients, do you mind if I take off a little early?"

She shook her head, "As long as we're caught up on everything it shouldn't be a problem."

"Awesome!" You strode off to the medication storage.

The last twenty minutes of your shift flew by and you were rushing out the door, hollering goodbye to everyone. And then you were running down the stairwell, out the card-key door and - ran face first into a brick wall of a person.

"Oh my gosh!" You breathed in shock, stepping back, rubbing your sore nose. "I am so…" you took in the stranger.

Huge. Oddly shaped. "You were saying?"

Blue eyes flashed at you, a smile gleamed beneath the shadow of a familiar hat.

"I was saying," you lowered your hand, "go fuck yourself."

His chest expanded with a laugh, leaned in closer. His shadow engulfed you. Leo's gaze was unwavering as he held your own. A finger under your chin to root you in place. "Fuck me yourself, coward."

It would have been funny if his voice wasn't right in your ear. If he wasn't shooting you a smirk like he knew exactly what he was doing. Your mouth opened and closed, watching Leo with wide eyes as he straightened. Looking too proud of himself.

"Need a chaperone?" A sleeved arm extended to you.

"Uh." Your wits were slow to return. "Yeah." You wrapped your hand around Leo's forearm. "Yeah!" You beamed up at him, the both of you walking slowly.

Probably painfully so for the mutant.

"Is this what you meant by hanging out?" You looked up at him. "Also," you pinched the coat with your free hand. "I thought you tossed this disguise?"

Leonardo side eyed you. "This isn't exactly what I meant when I said we'd hang out, but I'm glad it's part of it." He squeezed your hand closer to him. "And, surprisingly, there are multiple brown, extra large trench coats and wide brimmed hats in New York."

You shoved him with your shoulder. "Smartass."

The snow crunched beneath your feet as you dodged slush and tire tracks in the parking lot to your apartment.

"Do your kids hang out at home?" Leo followed you up the stairs.

"Yeah." You shrugged, pulling your purse around to dig for your keys. "The bus drops them off a block up. On the corner-" you grunted, finding your keys and dropping the purse. "And they walk home and hang out till I get back."

"But," the keys jingled in the lock. "What about muggers or kidnappers or-"

You sighed, turning to him before opening the door. "Look, I understand your concern. Believe me, I've been through this and worry every day . But," you opened the door, light flooding the doorstep. "What choice do I have? Daycare is one-third of my paycheck. I can't afford it."

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