Part 20

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You watched Leo slide his thumbs into his waistband. Hesitate.

Curiously you looked back up at him. He was staring at you; your body. Fear was on his face.

"We…" you didn't want to say it. "We can stop if you want?" Placing your fingers on his wrist, trying to reassure him. "If you're too nervous."

"I-" Leo inhaled, fingers clenched. "What if you… aren't okay with me?"

You blinked. Hesitating. You had the same worry yourself. What if his package was too much like a turtles? What if he had a slit? What if, what if, what if.

Leo slipped away from you, pulling his pants up around him. "We-we shouldn't. I shouldn't." You could hear the hurt in his voice. "I knew." Under his breath, eyes squeezing closed. "I fucking knew!"

"Leonardo." Mom voice made him freeze, look at you with shock. "Get your ass back over here now." You drew your legs up under you, pointing to where he had been standing.

Back in arms reach.

Obediently he complied. Sheepish as he shuffled forward, hands still clenched around his pants.

"You're going to shut the fuck up with that nonsense." You demanded, focusing on prying his fingers loose now that you could reach him again. "I like you." You peered up at him, tugged him closer, pressed your face against his abdomen. "I know that we have some unknowns, but that's every relationship."

You felt him shiver at the word, trying to hide your smile.

"Now," you pulled back, leaning into his hand as it trailed through your hair, cupping your cheek. "Let's see what we've got to work with?"

Leonardo's hand tightened around your jaw, loosened. Slowly he nodded, sucking in a deep breath. His hands covered yours, assisting you as you tugged his pants down. Quickly greeted by his dick standing at attention behind tight briefs. The shape didn't look impossible from behind the damp cloth covering.

"Half figured you for a commando kinda guy." You teased, letting go as he slid the rest of his pants off and stepped out of them.

"I'm…" his chest expanded, gaze snapped away. "I'm not shaped like humans are." He began.

"Just-" you silenced him, "just show me. Let me figure out what we're going to do." But your heart was racing with uncertainty.

You weren't trying to stare as Leo moved to take off his underwear. But you couldn't help it. You found him beautiful so far. You unconsciously held your breath as the fabric slid down, off.

Tension and uncertainty was heavy between the two of you as Leo dropped the fabric from his fingers.

"Oh." All the air you'd been holding captive whooshing out of you in that one word. You looked at Leo's face. "You had me worried." You looked back down, hand reaching out.

He trembled as your fingers grazed the triangle-shaped tip.

"It's so…" you narrowed your eyes, smiling. "Pink."

Trailing your touch down his shaft where the colors mingled, pink fading to green. A shuddering exhale from the mutant.

"Are you struggling?" You looked up at him, wrapping a hand around him, looking back at his dick. "Boy, your girth. Length." You felt yourself getting nervous. What if it hurt. "Bigger than-"

A hand on your shoulder stopped you. "Don't." It was clear he was straining himself to speak. "Please don't talk about your past experiences."

You let go, frowning. Rising to your knees. "Look at me." Waiting till blue eyes captured your gaze. "I. Would. Never." You glared. "I was going to say you're bigger than my toys."

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