Part 23 - The End

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Leo stretched, turning off the alarm. Swinging out of bed he slipped his feet into the slippers beside his side of the bed.

The wood floors were hell on his bones, the cold of them shocking his system, but they were a lot less cleaning than the carpet five years ago had been. Rubbing at his knees as they cracked. Forty had hit like a freight train.

But today was the day. And he was looking forward to seeing it.

Rapping at the door. He grinned, twisting, popping his lower back. More impatient knocking.

"Shut him up." You growled, rolling over, pulling the blanket over your head. "Still fuckin dark out."

"Sorry." Leonardo whispered, crossing the room in strides, opening the door. "C'mon man, mom's sleeping."

Your youngest son wasn't so little anymore at nineteen. Leonardo ruffled his hair, still standing a head taller.

"Dad!" He growled, shoving Leo's hand off him. "I'm an adult now." He sniffed as Leonardo followed him downstairs. "Uncle Raph's here." He beamed.

"About time." Leonardo responded, loudy, as they rounded the hallway into the kitchen.

"My favorite!" Raph's face lit up at the sight of your son, wilted as he Leo entered the room. Raph leaned back, steaming cup of coffee in his hand. "You wanna say that again, Captain Arthritis."

Leonardo gave a sneer across the table. "Okay, Iron Man. "

Raph gasped in feigned offense, slapping a hand over the off-colored patch in the center of his chest. "I prefer Frankenstein, thank you very much." Ignoring Leo's laugh he turned to the kid. "Ready for your first patrol without this ball and chain weighing you down?" He shoved a thumb in Leonardo's direction.

"I can still run circles around your ass, Old Man." Leo growled, smile twitching into something more feral. "Don't test me."

"Okay ladies." You yawned, joining the men at the table. "Pissing contest is over."

Leonardo's demeanor immediately changed, turning from confrontational to worried.

"Why are you up?" Hands fluttered before you nodded, Leo rubbed your arm.

"You guys are loud." You sighed, pushing grayed hair off your forehead. "With the other two away at college I thought I'd get some rest." You shot a glare at Raphael. "I thought today was kiddos first day out without you guys, why are you here?"

You took the offered cup of coffee from your son, giving thanks. Swallowing your grimace with the first taste.

"Dee's is so much better." You stuck out your tongue. "Why's it so strong? It's basically coffee grounds with a hint of water."

Raph crossed his arms. "The stronger, the better."

Leo rolled his eyes. "When Dontron gets back from his comic con trip, I'm tattling."

Raph straightened. "You wouldn't."

Leo's brow rose, "Wouldn't I?"

"Okay!" Your son's hands slapped the table. Backtracking at the three pairs of eyes giving him 'the look'. "S-sorry." He cleared his throat, straightened. "When are we going? I wanna gear up and head out." He pulled out his phone, "Uncle M's messaged twice now."

"Let me finish my coffee." Raph stretched out, slouching in the chair with his eyes closed. "Michael can take a chill pill."

Peeking across the table at your son's scoff. "Youth." Raph's lips pursed.

You chuckled, leaning into Leo's shoulder. Feeling him plant a kiss on your head.

"Fuckin' kids." You agreed.

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