Part 10

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Donnie raised his headgear, frowning. "Yeah." He breathed. "Looks like they're ready to move out."

Leo nodded, adjusting his chest armor, tightening his arm wraps. Shot a look to Raph, who tightened his grip around his drawn sais. The larger mutant was rocking to the song blasting in his headphones, hyping himself up.

"Twenty outside." Donnie muttered, tucking away his gear, drawing his staff.

"Inside?" Leo was watching the Clan move boxes in and out of the warehouse.

So much for innocuous.

"About forty?" Donnie's voice went up a notch.

Mikey scoffed. "Only?" He pulled out his board. "This'll be easy as pie."

"Not to sound like Leo," Donnie motioned to the leader in blue, earning a disgruntled look. "But we shouldn't count your chickens before they're hatched." 

"Do you mean 'our'?" Mikey puzzled.

"No." Donnie was matter of fact. "I have all my chickens accounted for. These are very specifically your chickens."

The brothers watched as he pulled out a drone. "Which is why I made this!" He held it up proudly, expression slowly fading at his brother's blank, bored, confused stares. "Meatheads." Donnie sniffed. "It launches projectiles."

"Don." Leo squinted at him. "We've talked about this. We don’t kill the bad guys."

"Often." Raph piped up.

Leo rolled his eyes, "often." He corrected himself.

"It shouldn't kill them." Donnie's expression was unconvincing. "I mean, according to all the pre-diagnostics and testing-"

"I say let 'im." Raph leaned back, "worst it'll do is take some of those foot heads off our hands permanently."

"I wanna see it shoot someone." Mikey was basically vibrating.

Leo sighed, defeated. If age had taught him anything, it was to pick his battles. "Fine."

Donnie beamed, turning it on. Grabbing the controller. "I'll offer air support."

Leo shrugged. "Okay." He turned back on Donnie, "but if it gets bad out there and we need you-"

"I know, I know." Donnie placated Leo, clearly not listening.

"Mmhm." Leo felt his lip curl in annoyance. "Let's go."

"Cowabunga!" Raph shouted, leaping first.

Mikey pranced a little before jumping onto his board. "Booyakasha!"

Leo sighed, for a moment wondering why they couldn't have regular battle cries. Then followed suit, using the fire escape to propel himself. They'd gathered the attention of the cronies by now, but no bullets fired yet.

Leo's eyes narrowed as he landed, fist connecting with the closest jaw he could find. They went down like a brick. Raph had already worked his way through five.

Mikey let out a holler, his nunchuck whipping out, striking two enemies at once. Following through with a double kick. "I'm at four!"

Shit. Leo snarled, launching forward. He delivered a roundhouse kick, grabbing the falling body and launching it into a group of five, watching them tumble.

Overhead the drone buzzed past them, into the warehouse.

"Guns free!" Came a shout.

Leo smirked, like he'd let them.

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