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Things feel different now. Olivia is becoming a stranger to me. I don't know who this woman is anymore. I don't know what going on in her life. I don't know what we are anymore. It scares me.

There's nothing I can do but sit back and watch it happen, and it kills me.

She's not home when I leave, and she's not home when I get back from work. It's only occasionally that I'll catch her as she's leaving.

Where she's going is beyond me, and truly none of my business. I just wish she would let me know that she's not going to be home.

And as much as I want to deny it, she's happier this way. Olivia is genuinely happier since we've become more distant. The one person i love, hates me.

A light knock on the front door startles me, ending my internal pity party. I hesitantly open it, and am greeted by none other than Juliette.

What's she's doing here is a mystery, and whether Greyson knows she's here or not is the question between life and death.

"Hey," I say.

"I um, was wondering if we could talk," Juliette softly questions.

"Sure thing." I say, motioning her to come inside.

She wanders over to the couch, and plops down, rubbing her hands against the leather.

She stays quiet for about a minute, before finally asking me, "Is Olivia back?"

I pause; I was sure that Olivia was spending her time at the Silas house. Never once did it cross my mind that she could be somewhere else.

"Yeah," I confess. "I thought you would know that," Slips from my mouth, more as a question.

"I haven't seen her since she and Greyson," She contemplates what she's going to say, "ya know, fucked."

"Excuse me?" I question.

"Oh god you didn't know,"

"That's beside the point,"

"Where'd she go anyways?"

"No idea. It's not my business."

With that, she nods her head, before walking out of the apartment door.

I sit with my thoughts, mainly trying to process that Olivia isn't telling me anything anymore; and that it's clearly been like that for longer than I had realized.

Then it hits me; maybe it is too late. She's lost. Gone. Forever.

Only Two Can End Up Happy [ book 2 ]Where stories live. Discover now