Split by 'Death'

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Katherine POV

My head felt like it was on fire, what the heck had I been hit with? I wasn't quite able to open my eyes yet, but I listened around to hear the conversations of the people that had taken me and my sister. Ever I ever got the strength to move again, I swear I am going to freeze them all!

"What do you mean they are more advanced than me and Rouge?!" One of the people exploded. "That shouldn't even be possible!"

"Well it is possible, and that is what they are." I recognized this voice, it was Lucy, the wizard that my sister had placed in a chair. "These girls are a miracle to being with, that much lacroma placed in their body. Their blood is almost pure lacroma, and they had lacroma implanted in them when they were younger. It is crazy. I don't know how they are even alive."

"Their blood is lacroma?" This was an older man's voice.

"Master!" Lucy's voice was filled with surprise. "When did you get here?"

"Someone sent for me when you didn't come back last night." I couldn't see his face, but his tone held so much emotion that it made me shiver. "So who do we have here?"

"This is the younger sister, her name is Katherine Locklear. She is the ice dragon slayer." It wasn't Lucy explaining who I was, it sounds like someone else, but someone I had heard speak before. "She is almost as strong as her sister, but is still a couple years behind her. Her exceed is blind, a mute, and purple, but I guess that doesn't mean anything to you does it?"

"Not really." The master person agreed, brushing his hand across my hair. "Is there anything else that is special about this girl?"

"Would you consider being three hundred years old special?" The woman asked.

"Why yes, that does seem pretty special." The masters hand froze, as did my breathing.

Three hundred years old? That is totally impossible! Yeah Serena and I were dragon slayers but we weren't super humans. This lady must have been crazy, saying that I was born three hundred years ago. Honestly, my sister and I were different true, but not time period different. I was enraged to hear such a lie being spread around the room, now I really was going to freeze these people when I woke up fully.

"Okay, well I think we will learn more about her once she rises." The masters hand moved off of my head, my hair was now cold from where his hand used to be. "Until than, where is her sister?"

The room was silent, and I really didn't like that. Why wasn't anyone telling him that he was in another room? Or that she was outside? we were together when we got hit in the head, so why the hell weren't we together now?! My sister was the only person I trusted, how could they leave her or worse lose her? If I was awake I know I would be crying. Listening to what was going on around me was seriously stressing me out. I felt something soft climb on me.

"Shh don't scare the child!" Eric! It was Eric's voice just now. "She may still be sleeping but the girl can still hear you. Finding out while she is in this state would be no good. So please take the conversation elsewhere." What he said just now hadn't helped, now my mind was thinking the worst.

"Sooner or later she will find out what happened." There was that familiar female voice again. "She will have to hear it eventually, you can't hide her from it."

"Maybe not!" He was mad now, I never thought I would ever hear Eric yell. "But I refuse to let her find out like this. At least let her be awake before she hears."

All this talk was now making me stir. I felt my stiff muscles loosen as they willed me to wake up. Guess the people around me were getting their wish, I would be waking up and finding out what they had done to my sister. I felt my fingers twitch first, soon feeling spread through most of my arms and than the next thing I knew I was sitting up with everyone looking at me.

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