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Koneko : how long till we leave

Issei : 2 days but I need to make some preparations first

Koneko: like what

Issei : I need to go see sera let her know so she can tell the rest of the leaders thankful we don't have to worry about any hotels or anything cause I bought a house where we going to arrive

Koneko: fair enough so how long are you gonna be

Issei : probably just a few hours

Koneko: I'll see you in a few then and I love you

Issei: I love you darling

Scene change

And cut

Serafall: yay I'm down I can finally go see issei

Issei : I'm already here

Serafall : ahhhh where the fuck did you just come from

Issei: just teleported here

Serafall: well what brings you to my humble tv set

Issei: I've come to let you know I'm going on vacation for probably the next year or two

Serafall: so your going to leave your favorite magical girl behind for a year

Issei: that's about the jist of it

Serafall: well I guess your here not just tell me that

Issei : if you could tell the rest of the leaders that would be greatly appreciated

Serafall: ok but on one condition

Issei: name it

Serafall: when you get back you have to take me on that date you promised

Issei: yea I know but konekos probably gonna kill for this

Serafall: your favorite magic girl won't let you die just yet

Issei : that doesn't Exactly fill me with confidence

Serafall you'll be fine

Issei: yea I know but still

Serafall: well that's enough chit chat go make what prep you need and go holiday out of anyone in the factions you definitely need one

Issei : alright I'll see ya later

Scene change

Koneko: ise your back

Issei : yea I'm back talked with sera said she's do it for me

Koneko: but knowing she made you promise something

Issei: before I say this please don't kill me huh she made me promise her the date I said about before all this

Koneko: pfffff ha ha ha ha ha ha I knew harem king is still your dream

Issei : koneko I never said harem was off the cards I just said for now it's been to draining with all the fighting

Koneko: yea I know your fine don't worry I mean at this point I can't imagine your without a harem it would be like universe would be out of balance

Issei: ha ha ha yea guess your right I mean I did do all that bragging about being harem king

koneko: well come on let's go out for a bit we're not leaving for two days

Down stairs

Rias: where are you two going

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