The love of a devil king

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Serafall : is it finally time

Issei : yea so let's go

Kuroka: look at you two

Issei: hmmmm

Kuroka : finally the devil king and the dragon god get together

Issei : well I did promise her a date

Kuroka : yea also do you know when vali is going to get here

Issei : probably in a few hours when he gets here could you show him the rooms they'll stay in

Kuroka: I know I didn't say this during your birthday but thank for letting him stay with us

Issei : well he's basically family to you

(An no vali is not going to be fucking kuroka behind ise back but ise and vali are going to be bros)

Issei : well sera I got a new bike recently and I was wondering would you like to ride on it with me

Sera : I would love to

Issei: then there's only one thing you need to do first

Sera: and that is

Issei :take my hand

With that the two rush out the door the two jumping onto the bike

(An the bike is calviler from dmc 5 but without the demonic ability's so imagine the bike basically being cav without being cav)

The two ride off into the sunshine of the early morning

Scene change

Sera: so where we going

Issei : it's a surprise

Sera: now you've got me intrigued

As the ride went serafall held issei just that little bit closer to herself

Serafall(mind) I want this to never end because he's the one I've needed for all this time

Issei : we're here

Serafall looked around to her shock they were at a anime/magical girl con

Issei: surprise I thought this would make a great place for our date

Serafall: it's amazing come on let's go

Scene change

Once there inside the two walk around with some people complementing her outfit while others tired to hit on her but issei quickly shut that down

as the day went one serafall fangirl'd over all the cosplay panels and other things that were around the con hall

(An I'm only using what I've seen online cause the last con I went to was back in 2013 because it was a doctor who one)

After a few more hours the couple left and got back on ise bike as he rode them up to a cliff side

Sera: where we at now

Issei: well I thought I brought some food so why not sit by the cliff side and watch the sunset

Sera: that's very romantic of you

Issei: only the best for the ones I treasure


Sera: let's eat then

Issei : yea

The two sat there together didn't talk much just wanted to watch the sunset together

Scene change

Issei : we're back

Kuroka: your finally back well did go well

Sera: it was fucking amazing

Kuroka: glad you enjoyed your selfs

Kuroka: but now there's a question I have for you issei

Issei : hmmm

Kuroka: don't you think it's time to mark us as your mates

Issei stood there like his mind had just been blown up

Issei: yea your right how did I forget about that


Kuroka: well come on get on with it

Issei then marks all his mates then shares a deep passionate kiss with all of them

Koneko: come on babe I wanna have some fun

Sera: yea me two

Irina: me three

Issei : alright let's go

Okay so that's the chapter but before we end I just wanna say imma some stuff from other series I like and also will be building up ise priage soon I like 1/2 people in mind but put in the comments who you like to see also might do some multiverse travel in later chapters cause I wanna give it a shot

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