Settin the board

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Issei : thank you all for coming

Azazel : no problem son

Micheal: it's been a while

Sirzechs : so what's happening

Issei : well we need to unite all the factions I can fight the trihexa but I can't take on everyone

Vali : I'll take on rezivem

Azazel : are you sure

Vali : I am that bastard needs to pay for his crimes

Issei : then I'll train you

Vali : huh ?

Issei : I'm sorry but your not strong enough to take on a super devil

Albion : he's right vali

Vali : alright I'll trust you on this

Sirzechs:how do we unite the factions

Issei : by talking

I'm walks in Odin and Zeus

Odin : well if Isn't the red dragon emperor

Issei : I go by the phantom dragon god now

Odin : ha ha ha I knew you'd go places I didn't know you'd go that far

Zeus: well it's nice to meet one I've heard so much about

Issei : finally getting to meet a greek god it's my lucky day

Issei : now let's get down to business

Odin : what's on the agenda

Issei : the beast of the apocalypse will be released soon

Zeus: how do you know that

Issei : rezivem came to me and told me

Odin : that's concerning

Issei : well I'm going to fight the trihexa but I can't take on everyone so I need to know do I have your support to take down the forces that go against us

Odin: I'll help in anyway I can

Zeus : as will I I can't see the ones I love die to these mongrels

Azazel : if it will help my sons then I'll do anything

Micheal: heaven has your back issei

Sirzechs : it's time we end this treat

Issei : then let's do this

Vali : issei I am going to say this now if kuroka gets hurt during this I don't care if you are a dragon god I will hurt you

Issei : spoken like a true bro I see your motivation and I like it now let's go so why they called you a dragon emperor

Zeus : don't be to hard on the boy I can feel his potential

Issei : I'll try

Vali : no I want you to go hard as possible as they say no pain no gain

Azazel : I don't want my sons to kill each other

Vali/issei : dad like that will happen

Azazel : you two make me so proud

Issei : I'll see you all later and vali I need to go do something before we start the training

Vali : it's cool I'll go train by myself text me when your ready

Scene change

All that could be heard in venelanas room was crying here husband was death and her daughter turned to the enemy's

Knock knock

Venelana : who is it

Maid : mam there's someone here to see you

Venelana : huh send them in

Issei walks into the room

Issei : hello

Venelana: issei it's great to see you

Issei : same to you just wanted to come see how your doing

Venelana: I'm holding up

Issei : well I think I can bring rias back I've cultivated a new power it does have its draw backs tho

Venelana : if it will bring her back then anything's great

Issei : well you call me your own so I'll try everything I can to get her back

Venelana : thank you issei

Issei : anytime

Issei : I'll be off I need to go train someone

Venelana : good luck

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