Friends being friends

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Issei : oh come the fuck on this bullshit

Destiny : I won fair and square

Yusaka : what's going on

Issei : destiny keeps beating me

Destiny : it's just srb2 kart so chill

Issei: and you took the character I like playing

destiny : oh would you chill out and crack another beer

Issei: alright fine

Destiny : cheers

Issei: cheers

Yusaka : so you go from being beaten to now cracking a beers just what the fuck

Destiny: cause why not oh yea can you pass me my phone it's on the table there

Yusaka walks over to the table destiny pointed at grabs the phone and gives it to her

Destiny hugs yusaka and thanks her

Issei: so what now

Destiny: imma play some music

Issei : put it on the speaker then

Destiny: gotta ya

Issei: babe you wanna stay and game with us

Yusaka : sure

Destiny:  3  now that's a party

Issei: this party's gettin crazy let's rock

Destiny: oh gonna like this song

Song - love sensation - air gear

destiny: come on sing with me

Issei: alright

Yusaka : fuck it why not

Issei/destiny/yusaka : LOVE SENSATION

Time skip

The 3 chilled out sang some songs and play srb2 kart until the other members of issei harem wanted to find out what all the noise was about

Issei: just get no back

Destiny : just noise white noise

Yusaka : I'm hearing static your like an automatic

Raynare : the fuck is going on

Issei: shut up sit down and enjoy the music

Ophis : what's the song

Issei: disclosure white noise

destiny : I'll shut down the game

Yusaka : good idea might as well just listen to music

Ring Ring

Issei: I'll get it

Issei walks to the door to katase and nero there

Issei: oh hey nero what's going on

Nero : just thought I'd come see how your holding up

Issei: I'm doing good man you wanna come in

Nero : yea sure

Katase : can I come in as well

Issei: yea come on you don't need to ask

The 2 walk into the house and go where everyone else is the music still blasting

katase : why is everything so loud

Issei: oh yea sorry we have some music on

Nero : oh what song

Issei: disclosure super ego

nero : fuckin sweet man I love that track

Issei : destiny can you turn the music down

Destiny : sure

Katase : did you get another person in your harem cause I've never seen her before

Issei: .....ha ha ha ha ha ha

Katase: what's so funny

Issei: the fact you immediately jump to is he fucking her brains out

Katase : you didn't have to put it so bluntly

Issei: I could but I'm not and no she's not part of my harem cause surprise surprise she's just a friend

nero : you got anything I could drink

Issei: yea that's some beer in the fridge and cocktail mixers in there

katase : got any coke

Issei: yea there's some in fridge help yourself
Issei walks back into the room but 14 girls jump on him just as the door bell rings

Serafall: I'll get it

Serafall: SONA

Sona : I'm guessing he's in

Serafall : yea come on

Sona : give me a sec I need to close the door

Sona and serafall walk into the room followed by katase who seems really surprised to see Sona and a indifferent nero who's just thinking about kyrie

Katase : why is Sona here

Sona : well I'm here to see issei

Katase : huh why

Sona : cause I'm one of his lovers

Katase : so your telling me the girl I've never seen is just isseis friend but the student stuco president is dating him

Sona : we're actually married under dragonic trems

Katase : what !!!!

Issei: I'll explain later

Unknown location

Shadow rias : my queen the plan is successfull rias gremory is near the point of insanity

Fate : good what of my rival tho

Shadow rias : she is currently living with the phantom dragon

Fate : that's great I don't know how he got her out of her prison but I can kill two birds with one stone most excellent

In rias mindscape

Rias : issei help me

Rias: alright rias last ditch effort

Rias uses the last of her power to write and magic circle a massage to issei

With issei

Issei was sitting there the girls crowding around him until a piece of paper appeared in his hands

Jeanne : what's that paper

Issei: I don't know

Issei looks at the paper and reads what's on it

Issei: I'm on the brink of insanity I'm losing my grip help me issei I love you rias

The room fell silent as issei finshed

Issei : who Evers done this is going to die

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