Help out a sparda

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????: where the fuck are they he said they were in this town but hope will I know

Issei: you alright mate

???: yea fine just looking for someone

Issei: who you looking for

???:looking for some called ophis you seen em

Issei: that's my wife

???: I see so I'm guessing your part of the supernatural

Issei : yea names issei dragon god

???: then your just the person I need *smirk*

Issei : oh you looking for a fight

???: no just to talk names nero sparda

Issei : so the legend was real well I'll be dammed

Nero: so you've heard of us

Issei : of course when one of your wives is a dragon god you tend to learn a lot

Nero: well do you have a place we can talk

Issei: yea we can talk at my place

Scene change

Ophis: your vergils son right

Nero: yea how'd you know

Ophis: I could sense the same power as him

Red: well this is certainly an interesting day

Issei : so what ya need

Nero : I need your help to defeat mundis

Ophis: I thought Dante killed him

Nero: he did but somehow he's been revived and he kill my father and majorly damaged Dante

Issei: so you came to us

Nero: yea Dante said to get the help of at least one dragon god

Issei : I'll do it I've been in need of a good fight

Nero: let's set a plan and kill that fucker

Issei: dam fucking straight

Red : you want us two to stay back here

Issei : if you could

Nero: would you be able to heal Dante

Ophis: no prob

Nero : alright I'll ring him

Shing and with that a portal open and came out a very damaged Dante

Dante : well red nice to see you again after this time

Red: same to you now come here I'll heal you

Nero: now all we need is a plan

Time skip

After Dante got healed Nero Dante and issei make there way out to go fight mundis once they get there they know this party's gettin crazy

In front of them 10000 demons with mundis sitting behind his army on a throne of body's and skulls

Mundis: tear them apart

The demons started rushing at the but issei went into his dragon god from Nero and Dante using devil trigger and sin devil trigger respectively

They tour they the army mundis looked slightly surprised but his pride as a demon blinded him from the true carnage unfolding infront of him

Nero: your gonna die mundis for killing my father

Dante: he wasn't the best guy but still you gonna die

Issei: im gonna trip you to pieces

Issei: let's do this

Nero: issei talk this you may need it

Nero throws the yamoto to issei

Issei: thank now let's kill this fucker

Issei Nero and Dante attack individually before combining a final attack

Issei/nero/Dante : demonic fire storm

Mundis: like that's gonna do anything

Issei: oh you see

Mundis: no no this is impossible I'm a god

Issei: your nothing now die snap

The fire storm consumed mundis body and burned him till even his soul died as painfully as possible

Issei:let's get out here

Scene change

Dante: I'll be seeing red kid

Red: see ya old friend

Dante rides of into the sunset on caviler

Nero: issei before I go I want you to have this

Nero gives issei the yamoto

Issei: but this belongs to your father

Nero: it's fine man you should have it I know dante already has enough weapons and I have my blue rose and red queen so I want you to have so when we meet again next time I know it will be in safe hands

Issei: thank you I'm grateful

Nero: we'll see ya gotta get back to the wive

Ophis: goodbye son of sparda

red: see ya

Issei: ophis

Ophis: yea

Issei: I'll be out for a bit gonna go see someone

Ophis: alright don't be out for two long

Scene change

Kiba: issei been a while

Issei: yea bro but I need a favor

Kiba: hmmmm

Issei: teach me the way of the sword

Kiba *smirk* this is gonna be fun

Issei: just because I wanna learn doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy

Kiba: of course that's the only way to learn

(An ok so issei is not gonna be able to use the yamotos full power he's learning basic techniques but they one way issei is able to use the yamoto effective shall be revealed soon and we might just see a battle with our favorite dark slayer)

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