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Walking around the ARGO II, you got bored real quick. There were no monsters trying to kill you. No angry hods to piss off even more. Not even a sad mythical creature to make fun of.

At least it was quiet. You were tired of all the noise that's usually happening around the flying ship. Either Percy and Jason were practicing sword-fighting or Leo was blowing stuff up.

Leo. Speaking of him and silence, which wasn't a good equation, you wondered what he was doing down in the engine room. That was his favorite spot in the whole ship. You decided to go check it out since you had nothing else better to do.

You creaked open the door and headed down the stairs that lead to the engine of the flying ship. "Leo?" you called. "You down here?"

Suddenly, a figure dropped down right in front of you from the hanging pipes above. "You know I am!" Leo laughed, jumping to his feet. He was filthy, like always. Covered in grime, sweat, ash, and oil. He was bare-chested and wore what seemed to be black pants. His curly hair bounced everywhere as he scrambled to move things out of the way for you. "What are you doing down here?" he asked, fishing out a dirty cloth from his back pants pocket and wiping it on his forehead, which just it dirtier.

"It got kinda of quiet around the ship, and I was just coming down here to check on you." you answered honestly. Leo laughed and stretched his skinny arms.

"Yeah, I kinda dozed off when I was fixing the pipe's pressure." he explained, scratching the back of his head. "I just got really comfortable!"

"Well it doesn't really count if you can fall asleep pretty much anywhere." you giggled. You gazed around the tight space. "What have you been working on down here anyway?"

Leo gave you that cute mischievous smile. "Wanna see?" he gestured to follow him down the unstable path. The rickety rail shook as the ship glided through wind breaks, making you lose your balance a couple of times.

Leo offered you his hand. "Here," he said. "Get closer behind me and hold onto my hand." You did as he instructed, and instantly you felt safer. "We're here." he said, then he quickly turned to face you. "But first, close your eyes."

You gave him a look, then, rolling your eyes, to closed them. You waited for about a minute before you heard Leo's voice. "Ok, open them!" You did, expecting to see some large machinery, but was surprised to find only Leo standing in front of you with his hand out. In his palm, sat a small box.

"Open it." he said, handing it to you. You did and found a necklace sitting neatly inside. It was a white, smooth, oval-shaped gem on a thin gold chain. It sparkled and shone in the light. "Oh, Leo..." you started. "It's beautiful."

You gazed up to thank him, but was cut off by a sudden kiss. You were too shocked to do anything. After Leo released, he helped you clip the jewel around your neck, and he twirled a strand of your hair around his index finger.

"You're welcome, Lovely." he grinned. "Love you."

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