IMAGINES- Steve Rogers

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You laid in your bed, staring straight up at the ceiling. It was very dark in your room, almost pitch-black. The only light was the hall light seeping through the crack in your closed door. Suddenly, you hear a low rumbling that seemed to shake the whole room.

Then, thunder boomed and lightning flashed.

You yelped and threw your covers over your head. Moments later, you heard knocks at your door. You got out of bed and waved your arms out in front of you, hoping you don't run into anything on the way. Your hand shook as it turned the handle.

"W-who is it?" Your teeth chattered.

"Y/N? It's Steve."

As the door creaked opened, the hall light seeped in, calming your nerves. Steve's face looked concerned. "You alright? I was passing by to go to my room and I heard a slight yelp."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I" You couldn't think of a reasonable excuse.

Suddenly, thunder and lightning struck again and you couldn't stop yourself from gasping and slamming your hands over your ears, squeezing your eyes tightly. Steve caught you by your biceps before your knees could buckle.

"Y/N?" he sighed. "Are you afraid of thunder and lightning?"

You admitted it hesitantly.

Steve grinned slightly and patted your head. "There's nothing to scared of. It's just loud noises and flashy lights. It can't hurt you."

Another thunder roll. You bit your bottom lip to keep yourself from whimpering.

"Would you like me to stay with you until the storm passes?" Steve offered and you looked up at him with pleading eyes.

He helped you back to your bed and tucked both of you in. Bringing the covers close to your chin, Steve slipped down to where your head could rest on his shoulder. You felt a bit safer and warmer. Your temple fell onto his shoulder unconsciously.

The longer Steve laid there with you, the closer you two grew. You forgot all about the thunderstorm. You were laying in Steve's arms; he smelled really good.

"I think the storm past." you joked. You didn't an answer and you gazed up to Steve fast asleep, his head tilted to the side. You smiled and pecked your lips on his jaw.

"Thank you." you breathed and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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