IMAGINES- Scott Lang

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He appeared out of nowhere, wearing a silly red, silver, and black costume with a gas mask as a helmet.

You were sitting on your front porch, enjoying the summer air. You were waiting for Scott, an old friend from college. When you heard he worked for Pym Tech, you had to congratulate him. He didn't tell you his specific job there, though. He said it was a surprise.

As you waited, a couple of flying ants swarmed around where you sat. You waved your hand, not really worried. The ants stayed, though, and they began to bug you. You swatted a back-hand and hit one of the ants.

Suddenly, the man dressed in that weird costume appeared out of thin air. He stumbled around on your porch as you screamed and protected yourself by putting a plastic chair between you and what you thought was an alien at the time.

"Y/N! Y/N!" The "alien" waved his arms out in front of him to stop you from attacking with the chair. "It's me!" He lifted the front of the mask, revealing a handsome chisled face with that goofy smile and soft eyes.


"Yeah." He licked his lips and gave you an awkward grin. You couldn't help but crack a smile yourself. "So this is your job at Pym Tech? An Avenger?"

"Well, technically," Scott put his hands on his hips, bouncing on his heels. "That was a one time thing, actually."

You hugged him. "Well, you are still a hero to me. Whether you are Ant-Man or not."

As his arms wrapped around your torso, you unclipped his helmet and slipped it off his head, tousling his wild dark hair.

Kissing his cheek, you tapped his lips with your finger. "I have to ask you something serious." Scott met your eyes.

"What kind of superhero name is Ant-Man?"

Scott laughed. "It wasn't my idea."

"I like it." You kissed his lips.

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