IMAGINES - Anakin Skywalker

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Dedicated to the request from @AllisonTart.

"Is there anything else you need, my lady?" you lowered your head and folded your hands in front of you.

"Yes," Senator Padmè Amidala replied with a kind smile. "Could you ask Jedi Master Skywalker to come see me?"

"Is there a message you would like to give him before he comes?"

"No, that won't be necessary." Padmè nodded you off, and you bowed respectfully before exiting your mistress's quarters. Once you were alone, however, your heart immediately began to beat quickly.

Jedi Master Skywalker...Anakin Skywalker...

You were childhood friends on Tatooine. When Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi took him away to train him to become a Jedi, you thought you would never see him again. Remembering a young Queen Padmè Amidala was also present on Tatooine, you worked extra hard for years to earn enough money to leave your home planet and seek out to Corosant. You remember the first time you ever laid eyes on the Jedi Temple, and you knew somewhere there, Anakin was training day and night to become a great Jedi.

After a few lucky coinsidences, you fell into the role of handmaiden for none other than Senator Amidala herself, and ever since you were in close tides between her and the Jedi Council, of which Anakin's master Obi-Wan was a member of. In time, you knew eventually you would reunite with him.

And now this was the time.

Once you entered the Jedi Temple, it took asking for directions from several Jedi Masters, including Master Kenobi himself to find Anakin. Soon, you stood at the door of his quarters. You suddenly grew very nervous, and you didn't know exactly why. You've been waiting for this moment for years and now here it was in front of you. Maybe you were worried he wouldn't recognize you; you have changed quite a bit and you expected him to have changed as well. Then, there was the possibility of him forgetting you all together...

No, that wouldn't happen. It couldn't.

You exhaled one more time before reaching out to knock on the panel door.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

You jumped at the sudden demand and your head whipped around towards the direction the demand came from. You were approached by a tall young man who had a tousled dark mane and deep blue eyes with a scar over his right eye. He wore dark traditional Jedi attire; you've seen similar clothing on other Jedi. On his belt, was a lightsaber. You've never seen one so up close.

"S-sorry!" You stuttered, your face flushed from embarrassment. "I was looking for Jedi Master Skywalker!"

"That would be me." He laughed, as if it was obvious.

What...Your eyes widened and your mouth gaped a bit from the shock. This is Anakin Skywalker??

He's grown so much. He's grown up to become very handsome and strong, contrast of the poor dirty slaveboy who strived to be the fastest pod-racer in the galaxy. You could see him, though. In this man's eyes, who stood before you without the question of who you were.

"Starstruck, huh?" Anakin interrupted your thoughts with a careless huff. "Do you need something? I'm extremely busy."

He doesn't recognize you, you sighed. Well, it's only fair since you didn't recognize him.

"I have a message from Senator Amidala." You replied, fixing your posture. Anakin instantly seemed interested and cleared his throat. "Oh, what does she say?"

"She wants you to meet her in her quarters." you simply replied.

"Thanks." Anakin nodded and turned on his heel to leave.

"Master Skywalker, wait." you called back, and then bit your tongue. Tell him; don't let him get away.

"Anakin..." You took a step back with your hand clasped in front of your chest. "Do you not recognize me?"

"I'm sorry, do we know each other?"

"It's me...F/N..."

There was a moment of silence between the two of you. Not a word or sound was uttered...

"F/N." Anakin repeated. You nodded.

"F/N?" He confirmed with a question.

"Yes." You saw the realization wash over his face.

"F/N L/N..." Anakin covered his mouth with his right hand, which you just realized...was bionicle...

"Yes, Anakin!"

"Oh, my—F/N!" You were suddenly scooped up in Anakin's arms in a tight hug. Tears were triggered as you closed your arms around his neck. "Oh, Anakin...I missed you so much..."

"I can't believe you're here!" Anakin squeezed you one more time before releasing you and gently setting you back on your feet, but he didn't release your arms. "What are you doing here?" And then, it hit him. "You're Pad—Senator Amidala's handmaiden?!" You nodded with glee.

" found me..."

"Mhmm...I did." You gazed into his eyes. There he was, the young rascal you remembered. "My lady is waiting." You almost forgot.

Anakin also remembered and hit the side of his head with his palm. "Oh, right. We should go." He smiled that cheeky smirk. "Shall we?" He actually offered his arm to you.

Hooking yours to his, you put on the most relieved smile. "Yes, Anakin."

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