IMAGINE- Izuku Midoriya's Stage

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As you all know, I love ALL THE COMMENTS I recieve on all my works. On one of my fanfictions in the "My Hero Academia" universe, I recieved a wonderful compliment and request, and @SaltySaphira, this is for you and all the fans!


At least the view was breath-taking...I never realized what was beyond my old middle school's location, in fact, I could see in the distance my prestigious U.A. High...

My feet shifted at the point where the concrete surface met the short wall of the building top as Katsuki Bakugo's evil words echoed in my ears.

"Don't even think about applying, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building."

All Might's lanky face came to my mind. I've done all I can...all I could, and it's never enough. Even if I tell myself over and over how lucky and grateful I am for having to inherit his astonishing quirk, I will never meet my hero's expectations. Never...The deep tissued scars on my arms are proof enough...

Kacchan...that bastard. How could I ever imagine that I could reach his potential and fight alongside him as both heroes? How could I ever see us working together, or even as rivals, like All Might and Endeavor? We are too different...yet, striving for the same goal...

All I've ever wanted since I've known Kacchan is to be just like him. All Might may be my hero...but Kacchan is the one actually in my life.

I raised my right foot up on the narrow ledge, following with the other one. The wind suddenly picked up and my entire body braced it to keep it from swaying. I continued to keep my chin up, refusing to look down below. My hands stayed firmly at my side and my feets slowly slid together. My shoulders dropped.

Don't close your eyes.

I closed them anyway. Uraraka's face was the first to pop up. She looked as pretty as the day I met her, with the biggest smile on her face. Her image faded and was replace by Todoroki's, my good friend and fellow rival. Iida was next, and then Tsuyu. When All Might showed up again, a single tear escaped my closed eyelids. Then, lastly, and most unexpectedly...

"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing, you loser?"


Midoriya's head slowly glanced over his shoulder, carefully witg his balance. There, maybe 20 feet away, stood the Devil himself.

"I could ask you the same thing, Kacchan." He gritted his teeth as he resumed his position. "Stay out of this."

Bakugo removed his hands from his pockets and clenched them tightly. "You really think jumping the best way to deal with your problems? Fine, go ahead. See if I care."

"That's the idea, Kacchan."

Bakugo's eyes narrowed, awaiting on what his fellow classmate's point was. His attention never left Midoriya's feet, which were dangerously close to the edge.

"Think about it, Kacchan." Midoriya sighed, gazing up. "You were right from the beginning. I should have never applied to U.A., then I would have never inherited All Might's quirk, and would have never disappointed so many. I would've just be me. The quirkless runt striving for a dead dream. Some life to live in a world where extraoridinary people have it all and gloss over what they should cherish...If I had a quirk growing up, would have you been a better friend, whether it was as cool as yours or not?"

"Probably not." Bakugo answered brutely, but honestly. "If you had a quirk from the beginning, it wouldn't have changed our relationship for the sole purpose of one of us becoming the top hero. You would have still chased after me like you always did." He exhaled before continuing. "Listen up, Deku. I'm not going to let you waste all that potential All Might suspects you have. If you think I haven't notice your annoying existence in that school, you're dead wrong."

"I've noticed, Kacchan." Midoriya shouted. "And all I see is you tearing me down whenever I get the chance to rise above you. Because, in your world, a weakling like me defeating you is somehow your deepest fear. And all I've ever done is admire you."

"Are you done whining now, Deku?" Bakugo gritted his teeth. "I'm pretty sure your mom is wondering where the hell you are."

"My mom..." Bakugo noticed Midoriya's bottom lip quivering. Did that convince him? The spiky blonde-haired thought. Come on, you dumbass; just step down.

Instead, he saw Midoriya's feet inch closer and closer to the edge. Bakugo's readied his hands, just in case. He watched as All Might's successor slowly turned around until his entire body faced towards him. A smile, the same one he grew up with, was plastered on Midoriya's face.

"It's for the best, Kacchan."

"Yeah? And how would you know that, Deku?"

"Why the sudden interest and sympathy?" Midoriya's voice deepened. "I would've thought you push me by now."

"Don't be an idiot."

Well, you told me yourself, remember? 'Take a swan dive off the roof of the building'."

Bakugo didn't have a comeback, and Midoriya almost smirked at his hesitation. "I know people will miss me, and they will mourn me...but at least I can have the satisfaction of knowing you won't."

Midoriya closed his eyes and fell backwards.


As my feet left the ledge, I heard the explosion from his quirk and my right arm was jerked upward, sending a jolt of pain in the shoulder socket and smacking my body into the building wall. I strained my neck to look up at Kacchan, who grasped my arm with both hands. His dark-red eyes stared straight into mine...and I detected fear.

"Damn you, Deku..." His voice cracked. "Since when did you ever listen to me?! Our entire lives I pushed you around and told you to stop chasing me...and not once did you buffer. So why would ever take me seriously? Especially if it involved...Do you really think I'm going to let you kill yourself?!"

The longer he spoke, the more his voice cracked, and then I saw his eyes rimmed with tears. Kacchan attempted to pull me up, but I pressed my free hand to stop him.

"Let me go..." I broke. "Please...why are you..."

"I don't want the conscience of knowing that you, a highly-potential hero selected by the number one hero himself, end his life because of what I said...Don't let me live with the guilt."

I could feel his feet leaving the roof's surface under my weight, and Kacchan was forced to remove one hand from my wrist to grab onto the ledge to keep him from falling.

Immediately, his grip began to slip.

"Come on, Izuku, let me save you." Kacchan's teeth gritted. "Let me be the hero you've always believed I am!" At his plea, my right hand grasped his wrist, reconnecting his, and my left reached for the edge of the building to help Kacchan pull me over safely on the roof.

Both of us didn't say a word. All you could hear was our heavy breathing as I believe we were both letting the tramatizing event sink in...


Bakugo was the first to rise from his hands and knees. Midoriya soon followed.

"Don't you dare let me catch you up here again. You hear me, Deku?"

"Yes, Kacchan...Thank—"

"Let's get out of here." Bakugo interrupted the bastard. "And let's never talk about this... ever..."

"Agreed." Midoriya replied simply, for he knew it was for the best. As he glanced down at his scarred right hand, he followed Bakugo down the stairs off the roof, suddenly feeling eternally grateful to his childhood friend.

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